Back From Hiatus - Snow White is STILL alive !


New Member
Hey guys...
It's been a good while since I've posted here. I had a few problems,
and I've straightened them out. A few of you know I'm a working road
musician and basically, I lost my place of residence. No troubles, but I had to leave where I was and as Murphy's Laws would have it, Anything that could go wrong, did go wrong. So...anyway.. I lost all but one of my clones in the move and I've been slowly nursing it back to health. Sadly, all this happened before I knew if it is a female, so now I just today started a 12/12 cycle to determine sex. I found that I had a real heat problem since I moved and had to come up with different lighting. I've put the 400w HPS in storage for now and I have the Snow White clone in the Phototron for sexing. I want to clone this plant again as SOON as I see it's a female so hope the best for me and wish me luck in my so far ill fated growing adventures. I'll be posting pics soon.

Peace RoorRip
5th day under 12/12
no sign of sex yet.
will post again later.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I hope everything works out for your grow.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I hope everything works out for your grow.

Oh ! No serious misfortune, just more like a serious inconvenience, but thanks
for the thought. I have relocated before, sometimes in life it's hard to keep a regular residence when you basically live on the road. The place i just left I was there for 6 years, the property chanced hands and they no longer wanted to rent it out. Any's all good. :)

7 days under 12/12 and no sign of sex yet. I'll post pics when it does show sex.
I broke the top of one of the branches yesterday (yes, I'm clumsy) and decided to try to use it as a clone, altho i wasn't even gonna try to clone until I knew sex for sure. It's doing well so far. So....back to waiting to see if it's a boy or a girl. :) I'll post again later.

Well good luck with the accidental clone. Accidents happen, making the best of them is what counts. I'm still amateur when it comes to growing, so really, all I can say is good luck!'s official. She is a girl !! It took 12 days of 12/12 light to show the first pistils and I saw 10 or so around the plant this morning. I'm very excited. The broken tip that I attempted to clone has shown roots and I put it in soil this morning also. I'm sorry I haven't posted pics yet. My camera is whack :| I'm working on getting another. Anyway.. hopefully tomorrow I will be able to take a few pics and show you. For Boss and Smokin' Moose and you other guys that were actually watching my original grows, Thanx and I'm trying to make ya proud ! :) Bear with me... I'm hanging in there ! I'll post more and hopefully pics later.


Nice to see ya' back Too :cheesygrinsmiley:

Double thanx Damago...Been a long time trying to get a female of a known strain, as anyone who's read either of my old threads knows. It's exciting and
I can't wait to actually smoke some good bud I've grown myself. I wish I could sort out my heat problems and slap the 400w HPS back in the cabinet, and I'll try that with one of the clones I've taken off this plant. For now tho...I'm gonna stick with the Phototron because it's working. :) I have named her Bonita. :)
I started flowering nutes today and all looks well. I finally bit the bullet and bought a new camera and NOW, the first pics !

Bonita in the Phototron

The first sign of flowers :)

As you can see, she has been well LST'd and seems to be liking the Phototron. I'll update again with new pics in a few days.. Thanx for all the help guys.

Welcome back and your young lady is looking verrrry sexy if you don't mind my mentioning it. Congratulations!!
Just a little update today. The clones are doing "OK" :|
I personally think they got too hot. Bonita is doing great however
and IF the clones don't make it, I'm sure I'll be able to take a few more later as she grows more. I was amazed at how many new shoots are forming at her base and took a pic. I'm hoping these may develop into something large enough for future clone tries. Also thinking about a re-veg after harvest, Which I realize, is a good ways off.

Lots of new growth at her base..Future Clones ?

One of the 9 main tips or colas

Just a nice baby bud shot :p

Anyway.. I SO wanna keep this girl's heritage alive, So I WILL eventually get a clone. I have such a hard time with cloning :| Will post more later and wish me luck at my hamfisted cloning attempts. :)

well...bad news.. Bonita is a hermi. :| I see a few little banana looking things around the buds and it's just damned depressing. So...I'm guessing the clones are also. :| I guess I'll start again. It REALLY sucks because I JUST bought a HydroFarm Daystar reflector so I could use the HPS and vent the heat from it.

Cabinet Shot with the new reflector :|

So, I guess I'm off to germinating some seeds again. Sigh...
I'm gonna let the plant go as long as I can, so I can at least get a "little" smoke out of it. Right now, I wanna punch a puppy. well... at least a picture of a puppy. :|
Later all...

Well...I'm feeling better about the whole thing now, But I have a question, If anyone reads this. I pulled like 10 -12 bananas off the plant and I'm going to be watching it VERY closely There are MANY flower sites with beautiful white pistils on them, as the previous pics show.

The question is, Am I wasting my time trying to get some decent smoke off this plant ?

I have 6 new seeds germinating at the moment and Now that I have the heat issues sorted out, I believe I CAN eventually get a female that I can clone and propagate My goal is to have a continuous grow with one plant in flower with a couple of clones vegging to be ready to flower as I harvest. I STILL have 3 of the snow white seeds and I'm gonna germinate them soon, I just want to make SURE that the setup I now have will work correctly.
Anyway... ANY input and answers or suggestions would be MOST helpful.
Thanx in advance...

Thanx DaMagoMan..I am a bit bummed out about this as I have been trying for so long. I'm
sure I'll reach my goal eventually, I just have to keep trying. Any insight as to what kinda of readily available ferts I could try that would be any better than what I am using ? At the moment I use 15-30-15 for flowering and 24-8-16 for vegging. Am I doing right ?
Again, Thanx for the help.

Nah...not using the phototron the 400w HPS going since I got the new hood/reflector. That's the last pic i posted , dunno if ya saw it.

Get a bit more balanced flower fert.

Sorry, I don't quite understand. Explain a bit if ya get the chance pal. Thanx for the help.

Just a quick update before my busy weekend. :) Haven't seen anymore bananas since I plucked the first ones I've seen and the buds seem to be growing nicely.

The He-she

A bud shot...sorry, I'll try to make the next pics clearer

Will post more later. As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Hey guys...just a little update as the plant has really changed in the last few days. I have carefully plucked every banana I've seen and it seems to be working, lol. Most of the big fan leaves have yellowed and wasted away so I've removed them. The clone I've taken from Bonita is doing well and I have a few seeds that have germinated and they are doing nicely. I'll take pics of the babies and clone later. :) There are SO many bud sites and all have flowers :)
It's been 18 days today since she first showed a pistil.

So I'm wondering... I have like 50 days or so to go before I can think about harvest ?



One of the tops...


Afew leaves got a little burn as they were too close to the HPS, But I have solved that problem, I believe.
As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Today is 23 days flowering.
So I took pics. :smoke2:
I also included a pic of her clone as I transplanted it today into an actual pot as the roots were showing through the peat pellet. Kinda strange, the pictures show a few yellowed leaves but for the life I me I can't see those colors with my eye. She seems to be healthy and doing well. I have a few good bag seeds germinated also , just trying to make sure I have some nice plants ready to go under the HPS after I havest this plant to try to insure another grow/harvest as I'm smoking what I get from this plant. I'm hoping the clone grows well enough that I can get even more clones from it and we'll see if IT goes hermy also. So far, I've seen no more bananas on Bonita. I read a few places that Feminised Seeds tend to produce male flowers sometimes ? Anyone know the story on that? Oh well...I'm really happy that it's going as well as it is... I SO can't wait to smoke some of this , But I'm ain't gonna ! I PROMISE I ain't jumping the gun on this one :)

Bonita at 23 days flowering

One of her Tops

Bonita Clone (a few odd seedings in background )

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace RoorRip
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