Beginner Questions


New Member
Please excuse the noobness of this question but I want to make sure I do everything right.

I set up a basic hydro system with a15 gallon tub.

After Germinating, do I put the taproot directly inside the rockwhool and then put it in the the system ? I don't understand because the water wouldn't reach the the taproot since, well it's a taproot with no full roots to reach the bottom.

I was thinking of picking up this thing called "Germination Station". Could I just leave it in that thing until roots are good enough for my system ?

After I see taproot and put it in the cube, do I continue to water it, or do I just soak the cube in water then put in the tap root?

( my system is a tub with an airstone at the bottom, tubing connected to a sub pump that runs the water through those small red sprinklers/mist)
Hello and welcome to :420: !

All you need to know about germinating seeds is found right here. I use DocBud's method and it doesn't fail. I always get healthy seedlings, even if I can't get a harvest completed!

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