BigSlim's First Grow Nothing Fancy Yet - 2010


New Member
ok so i decided that id give a shot at growin my own plants. i am currently between jobs lol so its nothing special cuz of funding im pretty much usin wat i got for this first one or until i start a new job and funding is better

i am starting with 1 plant

i didnt germinate it or anything jus planted the seed in some soil from a flower box i have outside

i am using a 4' flouresant fixture with 2 40w bulbs for the lighting

again remember i am jus using wat i had around the house for now

im using seeds i got from some pretty good mids i had a couple weeks ago

i planted a week ago today and have a 3" sprout

id show some pics but my internet is beein slow and wont let me upload them right now but i will have them up as soon as i can

any advice is always appreciated thanks
Re: BigSlim's first grow nothing fancy yet-2010

High BS, great idea just bury a seed. Why not 2 or 3, you have a 4' light.
When flowering, 50% chance of being a useless male... ughh
If you have a fan, a soft breeze is usually appreciated by cannabis plants.
If you don't have, this is the N.American dumpster divers' season for window fans ;)
Re: BigSlim's first grow nothing fancy yet-2010

thanks guys

PG i do have a small fan around here some where ill have to find it

heres my sprout as of yesterday it is 1 week old from seed

and heres my light in my closet lol
Re: BigSlim's first grow nothing fancy yet-2010

hey big,
try to hang the light over the plant so its not trying to stretch over to the light but rather up to the light you can add a little soil round the bottom of the stem to help it out hope this helps abit goodluck
oh and you can put that light almost on top of the plant with no problems
with in 6 inches or so
Re: BigSlim's first grow nothing fancy yet-2010

yea i plan to hang it soon as i get some wire probly within a couple days thanks for your info,

i am currently germinating some more seeds so hope to get a few more goin here shortly
Re: BigSlim's first grow nothing fancy yet-2010

dude, good luck with you setup and get that light as close as possible as soon as possible. You don't want the stretch. With that light, the plants can touch the bulbs and won't burn. The closer the better and welcome to the growers encyclopedia.
Re: BigSlim's first grow nothing fancy yet-2010

it is cute aint it lol

heres 1 i just took i kinda like day 12 from seed

thinkin of transplantin her into the bubbler im currently constructing not sure yet tho
Re: BigSlim's first grow nothing fancy yet-2010

ok heres some pics of my bubbler

had to tape it up cuz it was a clear tub

my air pump

2 5" airstones lots of bubbles and you can see the little root comin from the bottom of the pot

i kno it only has 2 holes right now as im not tryin to grow a whole bunch of plants at once and i can always get another lid pretty cheap if i wanna do more lol

and my girl day 13 from seed

and no the pots not dirty jus stained i scrubd and scrubd it
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