Black Jack - Black Gum - Soviet Ripper

Hey D. Bar. And anyone else. Howdy
Hey D. Did you pop beans yet.
No... for the first time in over 2 years I have nothing going...:thedoubletake: I think I am going to take everything but my little tent down for a while and just grow 1 at a time and start over 1 at a time.... I have plenty of meds and what I have been growing is good enough that I can't possibly smoke as much as I have so it keeps me out of trouble when I'm growing and I don't know what to do with myself now... I think I'll go pop one now...:).....:circle-of-love:
Yeah I got get new pics. The light makes all of them look funny. What you mean scary. It was scary before. Well I have same thing moving in beside me. Guy rented his house out guess what is moving in. Sure ain't a pastor.
Well looks like I'm stopping growing for a bit. To risky atm.
Guys gals I'm sorry tho. But will start back soon. I pulled up the 3 plants I had.
Yep. He want stay long.just renting it. So they said.
Dam. Po po is not moving anytime soon. Guess I'll be dead in few months now. Crap
my neighbors a popo
my other neighbors got plants in his front yard
he has a card tho and the popo don't mind he said the plants look good to my neighbor lol
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

We are sorry for your loss.

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