Blueberry Canuk & Euphoria Royal Queen - Organic Soil - CFL Only - First Grow

Hygrometers are a must for curing in my book.

Yeah, I'm designing something (I studied in electronics and am a programmer)... A micro-controller with a good Humidity sensor (3%RH precision), controlling an air pump to auto-burp and maintain several jars at a set RH. All jars share tubing and are treated as one unit. Not as precise as controlling individual jars... but if jars are filled with the same amount of buds, it should be close. And one could put several hygrometers in several jars, if paranoid ;-)

Fairly easy project compared to other things I've done. The challenge will lie more in trying pumps and seeing how fast it can replace the air in x number of jars, what fittings will make for good+cheap+tight connections to the jar lids, etc.

I'll be ordering some hardware soon (tubing, air pump, fittings, etc). I'll start with that, and if it is promising, I'll continue with the sensor, microcontroler, programming, etc. Pretty much all cheap stuff to buy too, so it'll be fun.
An interesting post about Boveda :
Boveda Humidipak

The second post on page 3 quotes an Office Manager at Boveda.

...designed with a limited capability to absorb moisture. It is common for people who regularly use our product to dry their herbs just slightly on the overdone side and then introduce our product to reintroduce that moisture that was lost during the curing process. If the product is too wet it is likely that the Boveda will be able to absorb some of the excess moisture but it is very difficult to tell if it will get all...

From what I understand, a brand new humidipack could have a hard time bringing humidity down.
I wonder if it can bring down a >70%RH jar full of buds at down to 62% and in how much time...
Euphoria buds have been cut from the stems and are stable at 65% RH in 16oz jars.
The total weight is 51 grams; I'm happy since I figured it would be around 45 grams.
They'll probably weight a little less when drier (62%), but it shouldn't be that much less.

I think I can easily double that on a second grow, giving the plants 2 months of veg instead of 1 ;-)

Blueberry buds are still on stems, curing, and the RH is always climbing back up around 68%, so I aerate them.
I'll keep the stems for a bit longer, since it "separates" the buds so they don't all stick together in a bunch.
When RH reaches 65% or less, I'll remove the stems and weight. Should be a similar weight to Euphoria.

I'm happy with my first experience, and ~100 gr of buds + all the good trimmings will last me a long time.

This journal will reach it's end soon. I'll write a wrap-up with the final weights, the amount of electricity (Kwh) consumed, etc.

I'll start a new journal before moving this one to completed journals, for those who wish to follow, even if I wont start the new grow immediately.

Pondering when to start a new grow, and what to do...

I have 2 Euphoria seeds left. But I'm not excited of growing 2 of the same plants, and I have enough Euphoria stuff for a good while.
I don't know how a winter grow would go (heat/humidity would be challenging). I can do a grow that would be harvested at the latest in Spring, and I can't start a third grow during June 2018. So a 3rd grow would start in July and end in ~November.

So, my choices I see:
- Stop growing for now, wait until Jully 2018, grow 1 Euphoria and 1 unknown, or 2 unknowns, whatever. That would be a welcome break, but I may miss growing...
- Start 2 Euphorias now... I'm not so motivated to get 2 more Phoria harvests, and winter grow could be problematic. I dont want to buy new seed right now.
- Germinate only 1 Euphoria, try one of my new buckets, have a little less work caring for only 1 plant, less humidity, let it grow REAL big. Should the winter climate be problematic, I'd loose only one seed/one plant.

Hey guys, If I start a blog, and if people subscribe to it... will they receive notifications when I Edit the blog entry, or when I make a new entry, how does it work ?

I did this... Blogs

I just wish to keep in touch that way, when I move this journal to "completed" and while I figure out my next grow and create a new journal...

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