Bogus 911 Calls Worry Police


New Member
Police in Greater Vancouver say some people are making false complaints about their neighbours as a way of getting officers to raid suspected marijuana grow-ops.

Surrey RCMP spokesman Cpl. Roger Morrow said people are taking this course of action because they don't believe police are moving quickly enough to shut the grow-ops down.

Morrow said there are no clear numbers as to how often this is happening, but he warns it could jeopardize the safety of the officers responding to a call.

"Some people have taken to the tactic of suggesting there's an assault in progress or a home invasion in progress or a break and enter in progress in a neighbourhood dwelling. And depending on the call, what we're finding is grow-ops."

Vancouver police spokesman Const. Howard Chow also has concerns about bogus emergency calls

"When you have other priority calls in other parts of the city you should go to, it becomes a public safety issue," he said.

Both Chow and Morrow point out anyone making a bogus call could be charged with causing a police officer to go into a false investigation.

They also maintain that the phoney calls are unnecessary because both of their departments respond to grow-op complaints within seven days.

Newshawk: User - 420 Magazine
Pubdate: 29 December 2006
Copyright: 2006
i heard it was the cops themselves callin the cops, too . thats some bullshit.. stop SNITCHIN damn !
I'm confused? For some reason I was under the impression that bud was legal in Canada..
"Some people have taken to the tactic of suggesting there's an assault in progress or a home invasion in progress or a break and enter in progress in a neighbourhood dwelling. And depending on the call, what we're finding is grow-ops."

What ever happened to people just minding there own damn business? I'm sure it's been said 1,000,000,000,000 times... But... WHAT IS SO BAD ABOUT PRIVATLY GROWING OR SMOKING CANNABIS IN YOUR OWN HOMES?!?!?!
You pay/rent out your house. Spend your hard earned cash to live there, but your not "aloud" to do certain things? Yeah right.
Yeah I saw that quote the other day Matanuska. It's too bad the rest of the country can except that.
MajorBongHit said:
Yeah I saw that quote the other day Matanuska. It's too bad the rest of the country can except that.
I don't understand why they just call and say " I know this may not be that big of a deal, but I often smell marijuana coming from the house next to mine, and I dont want my kids to be subject to it. I am suspicious that there may be growing also." People are so stupid to make up lies, what ever happened to telling the truth. If the cops don't do anything about it, then leave the issue alone.
i guess everybody is learning snitch 101 nowadays lol
no shit. those people pissme the fuck off. i had this old ass dude in my math class this fall and he would always stare at me and make stupid pot jokes and then start sniffing the day i was pretty sure he was gonna call the cops cause he was an even bigger dick than normal cause my teacher made some joke about me being a pothead. btw i got a 4.0 last semester...
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