Hehehe...thanks OL..was typing while you posted...cheers...h00k...
How To Use Progressive Web App aka PWA On 420 Magazine Forum
Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
I've used several different pieces of forum software, from fully featured to downright crude, and they all had that ability. So I'm assuming that this one has it, too, and for whatever reason (bandwidth? IDK...) it must be manually enabled by the admin. Hopefully, he turns it on, because you and I were probably not the only people who ever used it.
BtW, I mentioned previously either in this thread or the other one that, after posting a reply in a thread, pressing my space bar gave an error pop-up that stated:
"Oops! We ran into some problems.
Please enter a valid message."
I was actually meaning that SHIFT + space bar causes it (but just the space bar causes it, too). I always used that to page up so I could continue viewing the thread, since my hands are on the keyboard, thumbs over the space bar, but on my laptop the page up button is a move and reach with my right-(bad-)hand pinkie finger. Now I have to expressly click with my mouse cursor somewhere on the page so that the forum can figure out I'm not trying to... IDFK, apparently enter the number of an invalid message, judging by the error message I provoke without doing so first. Hope that clarification helps with your troubleshooting.
I'm going to take a break for a while and let the younger folk look for issues, lol. I'm getting kind of tired and am afraid that I'll start finding "bugs" that are actually just evidence that I'm no longer able to think like a 12-year old instead of actual issues with the site. Getting old doesn't suck (just think of the alternative) - but feeling old sure does.
BtW, the new forum's script seems slightly more invasive than the old forum's script. Now, when I highlight text in a post, the forum asks me if I want to start a reply or somesuch instead of minding its own business, lol. And my script-blocker states that the forum is only running the one script ("420magazine.com") on my computer, so it must be that one.
EDIT: That cheesy "quick scroll up of the bottom of the page, then quick scroll back down" when I click on the Edit post link (et cetera) really bothers my eyes. That's more than an annoyance. Mere annoyances don't bother my eyes.
I'm having difficulty erasing what's in the compose box when I want to start anew. There's no "cancel" button, or at least one I can see or make work. For instance, if I wanted to pick up the last paragraph of what TS posted and then cancel the quote to start a new compose box there's no way to do that. I have to manually erase it all, which means I'd have to do that one character at a time or drop what I'd saved so,where else while I select the entire thing and erase.
TS, do you understand what I mean?
Youre doing sing a good job of ferreting through this for us TS. You're earning that Carboniferous fossil thatll be on its way to you later today. MUAH!
And guys...... Who doesn't love this speedy response when you post and edit, eh?? WooHoo!! When we get really familiar and get the bugs worked out this is going to be such fun!![]()
I'm having difficulty erasing what's in the compose box when I want to start anew. There's no "cancel" button, or at least one I can see or make work. For instance, if I wanted to pick up the last paragraph of what TS posted and the TEST TEST TEST.
TS, do you understand what I mean?
You're doing sing a good job of ferreting through this for us TS. You're earning that Carboniferous fossil that'll be on its way to you later today. MUAH!
If it is possible, I would like to see the "Search Thread" feature added back
To my understanding the app is now obsolete. No more app. Just this.
removing and reloading my avatar seems to have helped with the pixel problem.
Is logging into the mobile app supposed to be working right now? Mine isn't
No more mobile app??? Wow, that's a step backward
To my understanding the app is now obsolete. No more app. Just this.
I don't find you annoying at all TS. MUAH!
my apologies for any and all times that I have annoyed someone
Sorry I'm just frustrated at how overly complicated its all getting.
With the app I just clicked the picture button, select whatever pics I wanted on my phone and boom it was done...Now however I am totally lost .
I admit I'm not the best at technology at all which is why I really liked the app. I have no clue how even find my gallery let alone then upload pics from my phone to it...Please just fix the app 420mag.
I feel kinda bad posting this as I love 420mag and everyone on it and don't want to just complain but this feels like a big step backwards to me.
Edit. Ok so I did all that and uplaoded a pic...woohoo...then I found that not only did it not strip the metadata off the image like I understand you used to on the prvipus forum version, but you also display it all right there for everyone to see...please correct me if I am wrong here, but I dont want the whole internet knowing exactly what device i use, when I took the photo, how I took it, my cock size etc...please can you kindly delete the image out of my gallery for me as I've tried and I cant work out how to do it myself...
Its pretty safe to say I will NOT be uploading ANY images until this is sorted out ...its not legal everywhere you know guys!
Maybe it was like this before and because I used the app I just didnt know. But to my knowledge it never used to actively display all the image meta data for all to see...
Coffee...the wonder drug!!??...lolool found it...for anyone else who might have the same problem...click preferences...cheers...h00k...
Try this SueI'll be loading in Chrome later, but I've noticed that on my iPhone I don't have the option to edit a post.