I'm having difficulty erasing what's in the compose box when I want to start anew. There's no "cancel" button, or at least one I can see or make work. For instance, if I wanted to pick up the last paragraph of what TS posted and then cancel the quote to start a new compose box there's no way to do that. I have to manually erase it all, which means I'd have to do that one character at a time or drop what I'd saved somewhere else while I select the entire thing and erase.
TS, do you understand what I mean?
I think so. On a mobile device, you cannot simply hit CTRL-A and DELete, to select all text and delete it. I noticed with my cell phone one day that I could get into a text selection... thing by holding my finger down on some text. It highlights one word, but I can drag one of the "things" to cover all the text, then tap on an icon to delete the highlighted text.
I really don't know how the whole "forum experience" is on anything other than my laptop. Having a 15.3" screen, a mouse(-pad), and a physical keyboard... It makes things easier for me. So does the ability to open each person's post as its own reply in separate Firefox tabs, cut, paste, and reply to same to my heart's content, and then post the result. That will always be easier for me. For the difference in screen size, if for no other reason. I guess I'll have to wait for holographic keyboards and large projected three-dimensional displays

I, too, miss the "Cancel" button. That's one reason I like to open post replies in separate threads; I can then close one or all of them without losing my place in the thread. (And one more reason why I don't "do forums" via a mobile device.)
You're doing sing a good job of ferreting through this for us TS. You're earning that Carboniferous fossil that'll be on its way to you later today. MUAH!
Thank you for the kind words (and for another fossil to add to my growing collection). But I am not even 1% the beta-tester that I once was. I once spent the best part of a week, awake and actively testing firmware for a consumer electronics device. That developer probably ended up hating me, lol. I think he might have been supposed to get paid when I and the other handful of people on the testing team smiled, nodded, and said it was ready for release. But when thousands of people are likely to immediately grab something like that, install it on blind faith, and then come to YOU with their complaints instead of hassling the developer, well... I think he rewrote the firmware 15 or 20 times. I wasn't one to be distracted by new features (or "features"), and neither were most of the others. So we ended up hammering away until he addressed the functionality (/etc.) aspects to our satisfaction. And the many thousands of people who then "consumed" the firmware must have been greatly satisfied. I seem to remember getting thanked two, maybe even three times

And guys...... Who doesn't love this speedy response when you post and edit, eh??
Something else that I, as a "regular computer" user, did not experience. The forum was ALWAYS prompt for me until shortly before the software switch. But I have read enough complaints that I believe the issue was real for many. And there were multiple entities that could have caused or contributed to slow response times (the mobile app was (apparently) created in the PRC so who knows what it was busy doing in the background, some folks probably used their devices possibly crappy default web browsers, cellular network speeds vary wildly from location to location, their carriers might have had a hand in it either due to negligence (IOW, they might suck in general terms) or by design (annoy people enough and they stop using so much data, lol), et cetera. It might actually have seemed like scrapping the previous version of the forum altogether and coming up with something different instead of simply addressing the mobile issues might have been the best option. IDK.
Great disclaimer though. Maybe just need to add 'except for the times I meant to'.
Where'd I put my tinfoil hat? Seriously, though, you must have been reading my mind, because I not only thought that - I almost typed it

The one thing I'd like to see, is a way to bookmark where you are in a long journal. I was subbed to 3 journals that were longer than 200 pages at one time. Sometimes you only have 10 minutes to read and finding your place can take that sometimes.
I had something like 70 subscribed threads with new content. Some few of which had hundreds of posts that I hadn't managed to read yet. Now, if/when I find my subscribed threads list again (I really, REALLY should have written down the directions to that last night when someone explained how to get to it

I actually briefly considered checking each of my subscribed threads and writing down the post number that I'd read to. Seemed like a waste of time - at the time. <FACEPALM> .
the thank button would be better than a like button.
I hope to see both (reasons previously mentioned). Someone else, I think, suggested an "anti-like" button (they didn't call it that, lol). I see such a thing as being a potential source of trouble. In theory, it could be a useful thing. But I've seen it elsewhere, and it was often used as sort of a passive-aggressive flaming tool. Therefore, I don't expect to see one appear here.
Some kind of ShoutBox would be nice to see, since us "heads" do like to jabber from time to time. But I can see such a thing being an unending source of hassle to the staff (/admin/owner). It would really end up having to be constantly monitored, IMHO, for rules violations, and I do mean constantly.
If I wanted to like something, I'd get on Facebook again.
LMFAO. If I wanted to have a bunch of people that can't seem to think for themselves do my thinking for me, to routinely delete auto-generated emails containing links to malware from a bunch of people I don't even particularly want to receive emails with content that they actually created from, spend my days watching videos of people doing incredibly stupid things without even prefacing them with the standard "Hey, y'all, watch this!" and then seemingly getting severely beaten on the skull with hammers until they actually thought it was ever going to be a good idea to post examples of their lack of brain cells, et cetera... I still wouldn't "hang out" on Facebook. IMHO, the so-called "social" websites are the most improperly named class of things in the entire universe. The term ranks right up there with "politically correct."
Thank is not a word, but a feeling that better coveys your gratefulness toward a helping hand.
For all that the statement reads like it came from a 99¢ greeting card at first glance... I like it! (Please don't tell anyone I said that, it'll ruin my image