Broke main stem on autoflower


Well-Known Member
Sorry for double posting but I don't think I posted in the right forum the first time....

Greetings fellow farmers,
I started my first ever grow of a Auto. I have been growing from seed to 3-4 weeks and decided to LST in hopes of increasing yield. I bent the main stem and tied down. Everything was okay until a couple days later I went to break off a fan leaf to give the rest more light and damnit I hear a snap and the main branch broke pretty good but not off. I immediately pull it back up to where the pieces came back together and tied it off. I sprayed some foliage booster on it hoping that will help it to heal. Question: Have I blown it or do y'all think she will recover and be fine. or will the break cause her to be to stressed?
If it wasn't a full break she should be fine. Have you covered the wound? Don't want anything getting in there. You'll know in a few days if she'll recover or not. I snapped a branch almost clean off, hanging by a thread, and it was one of the best colas. However, with it being an auto it may slow it right down and it won't be as big as it could've been. Possibly. These plants are pretty damn tough to be fair.
Here's a photo of mine. I broke the stem pretty much the same way. Now she's a little monster.
I found a good way to mend broken branches... 3M micropore tape (medical tape). It would probably work well for a stem, too, but you should also provide support with a stick. I use bamboo.

happy growing! 🪴
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