
Hello my friends, It would seem the RI court system is as screwed up as ever. Wingmans two day notice turned into no notice other than a subpena sent to someone else that tipped him off about court THAT DAY. Here is his last post from this morning, not the result we wished for him but...

"Whatsup Bro?
Yes I took a Conviction on Indictment, but Amended and Reduced to Non Felony Status.
as to the Indictments
(when initially assaulted in my home, arrested, without Warrant, and in Possession of Patient License awaiting Caregiver Confirmation. I was Charged, and Held without Bail on:
Felony Possession of Marijuana Sch I-II
Felony,Conspiracy to violate the CSA of 1970,
Felony Possession with Intent to Deliver a Controlled Substance (Sch, I, II, III,IV) Sch I / II,
Felony: Cultivation, Manufacture, Manual Delivery of a Controlled Substance (Sch. I, II, III, IV)
75 Plants
Assault on a Police Officer
Resisting Arrest
Obstruction of Justice
the Police threw the book at me and insisted Prison time, removal from Medical Marijuana Program,/loss of MMP Licensing

Count 1 Simple Possession of Marijuana Misdemeanor
Count 2 Simple Assault on Police
Count 3 Resisting Arrest / Dismissed
Count 4 Obstruction of Justice

sentenced to all with consecutive PROBATION ( 3 misdeameanors) with credit for time served while held without bail. They are all Misdemeanors, and are insignificant in the larger picture but the Judge told me "If found Guilty that charge carries 30 years and he would Sentence me to 30yrs on the Marijuana", and my Attorney said even if we beat the Marijuana "he", (the judge), "would impose maximum allowable sentence in Prison on the Misdemeanors,, If, I was found Guilty on any part of indictment
So I took it on the chin and and was not the bigshot risking 33yrs to win on Principle.
It was a Pyrrhic Victory"

Victory? not really but least bad of worst outcome is more like it to me, just glad our friend is home and this CRAP wont be hanging over his head anymore. :peace:
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