Caconym's Multi-Strain Compact Soil Grow 2017

Forgot to post pics. First signs of flowers.


Bubba Kush


Blue Dream




White Widow


Critical Kush


Fruit Spirit

Apologies for the poor focus.


The basil is thriving.


All your plants looking real good man.
The 5 inch fan is now installed and running. Temps and humidity seem to be down. I still need to pack the fan box with glass wool to make it quieter.

I've started some AACT brewing. I used 2 parts oat bran, 2 parts pearl barley, 2 parts kelp meal, 2 parts alfalfa meal, 2 parts worm castings, 2 parts molasses and 1 part mychorizzal fungal inoculatant in rock dust (1 part = one shot glass) in about 4-5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. I'll update in the morning.

Unfortunately temps are up since I installed the 5 inch fan and filter. I believe this is because the 3m or so of 4 inch ducting between the filter and fan are restricting the airflow. I will have to remount the fan closer to the filter and re-run 5 inch ducting. I'm running the lights dimmed slightly for now to mitigate.

I've replaced my bodged pvc pipe tea bubbler with two airstones. Hopefully this will get it going by tomorrow. I've had to give the girls a light feed to put them on, they were looking a bit droopy.
Flower day 15

I'm tired, the girls are thriving.



Updated the LST on Bubba Kush and Blue Dream. I'll work my way through all 6 over the next couple of days. The soil was still moist so they'll get the tea tomorrow dependent on passing microscope inspection.

I'm struggling to find a good time to change the extraction setup as I need to fit it around my partner's work schedule. Temps are acceptable for now at around 29-30°C. I'll sort it as soon as I get chance!

Flower day 18

Day temps: 26-28°C
Night temps: 20-21°C
Humidity: 50-55%

Things are looking good, although I'm starting to run out of space now the fan and filter are both in the box. I'll have to re-visit the LST, I've been putting it off because the girls have got really bushy and there's so many branches to deal with. Temperature is under control though, and humidity looks to be down slightly. I've added a small fan to help circulate air in the box better. I may need to add another intake, I can feel the negative pressure breaking when I open the door. No need to water today. I'm probably imagining it, but I swear the rate of growth has increased since I used the tea a couple of days ago. I've got another batch brewing to feed tomorrow and then I'll give them fairly plain water for a bit (maybe with some coconut water or aloe, or nettles) and see what happens. I'm not going to completely stop synthetic fertiliser on this grow as I'm growing in unamended canna soil rather than a built LOS. I'm going to start working on soil for my next grow soon.




Critical Kush


Blue Dream


Bubba Kush


White Widow


Fruit Spirit


Fruit Spirit bud


Critical Kush bud


Team photo

That's all for now
Flower day 19

Day temps 27-29°C
Night temps 20-21°C
Humidity 50-60%

Fed all 6 with the tea plus 1ml/l Budweiser and Terpenez. Tea pH was 5.8, EC 1.6 watered down and amended to pH 6.8 EC 0.6. I forgot to check runoff. I used the bulk of the tea on my outdoor veg and herb garden minus the Terpenez and Budweiser.


Flower day 33

Day temps 26-28°C
Night temps 20-21°C
Humidity 55-60%


Blue Dream


Bubba Kush




Critical Kush


White Widow


Fruit Spirit


In the box

I've noticed some leaf discolouration and I suspect I've messed up with the nutes, and possibly added too much organic matter to the soil with the tea. The EC of my tap water has dropped from 0.4 to 0.2 (I don't know when, I got lazy with checking it as it seemed to be stable at 0.4) so I've probably had a calcium/magnesium deficiency creeping in. There's also what looks like nutrient burn and deficiencies combined (I'm not up to the task of figuring out exactly what's going on) so I reckon I've been overfeeding as well. Plus I haven't had a PK until recently. Here's photos of some affected leaves.


White Widow




Critical Kush


Blue Dream

Any input would be appreciated!

I fed last on day 30, I flushed each girl through with 6l of plain spring water at pH 6.4 and then fed 2l of nutrient solution with about 30% runoff. I used 0.5ml/l calmag to bring EC up from 0.2 to 0.5 then added 0.5ml/l Budweiser, 1.5ml/l Terpenez, 2.5ml/l Hesi Bloom (half strength) and 0.25ml/l Monster PK 18/20 (half strength) plus about 80ml/l coconut water. Feed pH was 6.4, EC 1.8. Runoff pH was 6.3-6.4, EC 1.2-1.3.

The girls seem to be happier since flushing and feeding on Sunday night, the discolouration isn't progressing noticeably and growth seems to have picked up slightly. They will be due for watering by tomorrow night, I'm not sure whether to go with a drastically reduced feed to play it safe or the same as last time.

Awesome garden caconym!! Those cobs are treating your girls really good and they look pretty healthy. I wouldn't worry too much at all and continue what your doing. Your girls are gonna start frosting up soon and alot of people will be loving your those genetics because I've run some RQ seeds and they are damn good. Keep up the good work!!
Awesome garden caconym!! Those cobs are treating your girls really good and they look pretty healthy. I wouldn't worry too much at all and continue what your doing. Your girls are gonna start frosting up soon and alot of people will be loving your those genetics because I've run some RQ seeds and they are damn good. Keep up the good work!!
Thanks JGrowLove, I've grown Royal Queen's Fruit Spirit before and enjoyed the end product. I'm impressed with how fat the buds are on the Critical Kush already, she's looking to become a favourite. Here's a pic from today.


Setup looks good, and you have walls that are capable of reflecting a lot of the light that hits them. But have you considered switching the lenses in your COBs to get a tighter footprint, so that less light hits the walls (instead of the plants) in the first place? Or adding lenses, if yours are open? Might boost your yield a fair bit.

Either way, you should be happy on harvest day!

Tea looks good, do you check the ppm and ph before feeding?

An EC meter won't accurately show how many parts per million of total dissolved solids are in that brew - it's "organic." I wouldn't expect there to be much in the way of dissolved nutrient salts or the like in it. They don't directly measure content; they just measure the electrical conductivity of the solution. If it's a "TDS" meter instead of an EC one, it just does the same thing and then multiplies the result by a simple conversion factor (typically .5 or .7, IIRC - which is just "in the ballpark range," anyway, since the various salts and other electrically-conductive elements/minerals in ("chemical") fertilizers have different degrees of conductivity... so they all read a little differently from each other).
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