Cal mag deficiency or overwatering


420 Member
This is my second grow. First grow had some lockout problems due to pH but thankfully got it fixed and made it to harvest. Now looks like the start of more problems on this one. Growing in soil 50/50 ocean forest/perlite. Amended with dolomite at 1 cup per cubic foot of soil...mainly because of the pH problems of last grow. I am getting brown spots on the leaves of two plants. Wondering if it could be cal mag def. Or maybe overwatering. But I don't really think overwatering because I did that my first grow and I would like to think I learned my lesson there. Also I have been having bug problems.pretty sure aphids and I have so far sprayed Neem oil. One application 5 days ago and another today. Both during lights out period. Also applied as a soil drench 4 days ago. Not sure if this might have something to do with it. I am using to water and have not yet used cal mag because I thought since I added dolomite that cal mag wouldn't be needed till later on in the grow. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I would not exclude a calcium deficiency. In fact, it looks very much like a calcium deficiency, which can take on various symptoms depending on soil pH. Have a look here: How to fix Cannabis Calcium Deficiency (Ca) Pics & Symptoms

I agree it's best to watch it.

50/50 ocean forest/perlite might be nutritionally thin for hungry plants in veg. You might mix in more ocean forest or try an amendment via top dressing of a broadly balanced NPK supplement, e.g., blood & bone style amendments available in most garden shops. Start with a broader approach before going too specific.

Even if you try to correct a calcium deficiency and add a calcium or cal-mag solution of some kind, it will take time before the cure kicks in. I had something like this two years ago much later in the grow, just at the start of flowering. I soaked cal-mag in water and fed the plants with it. Grow turned out fine. The spots did not change back but new spotting stopped.

I don't think you are overwatering.
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