Calif Lawmaker Would Bar Firings For Medipot Use

Jacob Bell

New Member
SACRAMENTO, Calif.–A California lawmaker wants to prohibit employers from firing qualified medical marijuana users who consume pot when they're not on the job.

The bill proposed by Democratic state Sen. Mark Leno would also make it illegal for employers not to hire someone solely because they use marijuana for medical reasons.

Leno in 2007 proposed a similar bill that was passed by the legislature but vetoed by then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The California Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that nothing in the state's current medical marijuana laws bars an employer from firing medical marijuana users who test postive for pot.

Leno's bill would exempt from protection workers such as doctors, nurses, school bus drivers and heavy equipment operators who hold so-called safety sensitive jobs.

News Hawk- GuitarMan313 420 MAGAZINE
Author: The Associated Press
Contact: Help
Copyright: San Jose Mercury News
Website: Calif lawmaker would bar firings for medipot use
Finally, another form of discrimination is being addressed in the "most tolerant state in the Union." A person can go to work on Prozac and other mind- and personality-altering drugs, but if they smoked some weed on the weekend, they are "unsafe?" Sheesh!
We need a drug test that shows I'm high NOW not a week or two ago. But our side will have to come up with it. I'm unemployed and I stopped smoking 11-16-2010 and I didn't piss clean untill 1-4-2011.
i dont think thats unreasonable. its cool...and banana is right....if they can come up with a test to find recent use, it would be awesome. too much liability comes with someone who's fucked up on the job.
Some prescription meds are just as dangerous, as it applies to safety, but people aren't getting fired for using them on the job.
Safer than Ambien... and that is just a sleeping pill. My neighbor almost died when she passed out in her kitchen while heating up a teflon pan to cook some rice. By the time I called the fire dept, her apartment was filled with teflon fumes and the heat was registered at 97 degrees in her apartment.
I support medical marijuana!
Thank you Sacramento for listening to the people.
I think it's great that this is happening, but it's not enough. I'm having one of those days where I am pretty darn ticked that cannabis is still illegal. And I'm upset that it's ok for people to get drunk as heck the night before and then go to work, if they can do that, then I should be able to use cannabis. Also, jobs don't ever test for any other medicinal drugs, so why even bother with testing for cannabis? The only time a person needs a test is if they screw up and someone gets hurt or whatnot. If they are doing their job then leave them alone.
Glad to hear this is in the works though, for sure. Hope it passes.
We shouldn`t even have to be making this law as it seems a no brainer! Still alot of work to be done on the harts & minds if you ask me!
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