Can We Stop Calling Cannabis A Weed? Please?

Take a tomato plant, use modern techniques, and grow it to its fullest to get the best yield. What do you think you might wind up with? Maybe for a month or more you'll be eating tomatoes. Take a dope plant, use modern techniques, and grow it to its fullest to get the best yield. What do you think you might wind up with? Probably for more than a year you'll be smoking.
When I process this year's haul, I think I am going to weigh all the smokable bud I have, the new stuff, and last year's (which I only fairly recently finished processing). Then I will do the same next harvest, and if the total for 2022 ends up being higher than the 2021 total, I am going to finally declare that I have achieved Weed Singularity, which means I should not ever need to visit a dispensary ever again, as long as I can have a successful grow year after year. (would still shop just for variety and possible opportunity seeds, but I should be self sufficient by next year's harvest (probably am right now actually)
Boom mic drop...exactly. weed is weed..slang for cannabis...dope is something i glue PVC or gas pipe with ✌️
I guess us plumbers think alike…
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