Can you get high off of males?


Bud Toker

sorry if this question has already been asked but me and my friends have been arguing about wether or not you can get high off male plants. i just wondered if any of you guys new. and i was also wondering if there are such things as hermaphrodite plants.
Crack a stem open, and it will "bleed" like a stuck pig. Trichromes are that liquid released throught the pores in the skin of the stem and leaves. It looks like "crystals" because as it comes out the air "hardens" it into a sticky gel like substance. It hasn't been converted to its psyco active form yet because it has to dry first. when it dries, the plant empties its resivoir from the stem first, to try and stay alive, that is why properly dried and cured buds are stronger, alot more of that stem "sap" has reached the Bud material.
that is what I was basing that on.
The main difference is a male will produce no smokeable material. Once the buds of a female plant are dried and properly cured this makes availible a means for the now active THC to be transported to the lungs. Males produce no material that can be dried and cured, and thus making harvesting and activating the THC effectivly an impossibility. Yes, males contain THC, but there is no way to properly activate and ingest it. Also, males obviously contain far less THC than females.
Lot of that is water dude and the lifes blood of the plant. The stem is hollow and pulls the liquid thru capulary action. I only kill males or use the pollen since I am not producing phenos to often. For me they are not worth the time to smoke.
I gotta disagree Tronix, only because one of my favorite plants is a mild herm. :p

I have a high indica that always goes herm about 10 days before it is ripe (the last buds put out a male flower here and there), which is technically a herm (although a very mild herm), and she is consistently very very good (either cloned or sprouted from one of the few seeds she ends up with).

She is a pain in the butt to fully ripen though because whatever bit of sativa she got was from the eternal ripening kind :( ...
The main difference is a male will produce no smokeable material. Once the buds of a female plant are dried and properly cured this makes availible a means for the now active THC to be transported to the lungs. Males produce no material that can be dried and cured, and thus making harvesting and activating the THC effectivly an impossibility. Yes, males contain THC, but there is no way to properly activate and ingest it. Also, males obviously contain far less THC than females.
This is simply not true
You can take those stems chop them put them in boiling water with some sorta of fat

THC is fat soluble

You can either take this and make a tea, or can take it put it in a jar then place in fridge the cold will thicken the fat and will float to the top making it easier to separate

This now is usable to make baked goods of foods of your choice and will Def get you high

As far as smoking I'd have to agree it's not smoke Worthy could make hash tho
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