Cancer drug interactions

I had Hodgkins Lymphoma, Stage four..actually tried rice sizeshots of oil under my tongue..I was on the poison series of treatment. Nasty stuff. Anyway, I had to quit..don’t know about interaction, but the oil really messed me up..more!
I totally couldn’t function for almost 24 hrs by myself..wife had to hold me up when I got out of bed. Help me up and down the stairs.
a suggestion: ask your Oncology Pharmacist , they usually accompany the oncologist at every examination . We aren’t the people to ask...this is life and death stuff.
Should have tried suppositories
@Nunyabiz , have you ever used (or heard of using) gelatin capsules for suppositories? Supposed to have some advantages over cocoa butter or whatevs. I'm thinking I'll add sunflower lecithin for a "bio-bomb" effect.

I was about to order some citicoline, since it's supposed to help reduce the "too stoned" feelig. But then I read that citicoline increases angiogenesis and impedes apoptosis. Doesn't sound like a good idea.
@Nunyabiz , have you ever used (or heard of using) gelatin capsules for suppositories? Supposed to have some advantages over cocoa butter or whatevs. I'm thinking I'll add sunflower lecithin for a "bio-bomb" effect.

I was about to order some citicoline, since it's supposed to help reduce the "too stoned" feelig. But then I read that citicoline increases angiogenesis and impedes apoptosis. Doesn't sound like a good idea.
I just tried one about two hours ago, first one.
I put 4 drops of my Tincture in a capsule.
I added no oil as allegedly oil makes it more difficult for the cannabis to absorb through the mucus layer.
All I feel is a very relaxed
I just tried one too! It must have worked, because I passed out and woke up on the couch about 2 hrs later. o_O

It was a moderate dose, but I was less whacked after 2 hours than I was after 12-14 hours with a bit larger dose taken orally. So I think it's an improvement over oral dosing.

I didn't have any lecithin -- they sent me sunflower OIL instead of sunflower lecithin -- but I used a bit of olive oil as a carrier. Given your comment about absorption, I'll try it without oil next time.

EDIT: Just realized there was another difference, in addition to oral vs. suppository: the dose that knocked me out for so long was 70% THC. The oil I used today was 40% THC 25% CBD. I had less THC, and I added CBD to mellow it out. So maybe the suppository wasn't the cause of the less-debilitating high.
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