Cannabis and Kidney transplant prohibitions


New Member
I am currently experiencing chronic Kidney disease (have for 20 years+ now) but now am on dialysis and starting the process for getting a transplant. As many know, the people who do transplants don't like cannabis and will not allow anyone who uses cannabis to receive transplants. I am in Oregon, CKD is not really a listed disease that would automatically put one on the OMMP (Oregon Medical Marijuana Program) but I have been a legal patient here. I stopped using cannabis and let my eligibility elapse some time ago. But I want to talk to others, especially medical professionals, as I want to explore the issues surrounding this. I would like to talk to anyone else who has experienced these type of problems (liver, lung, heart transplants, as well) with prohibiition if using cannabis. The people at OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University) has said that the reason against the prohibition is due to a fungus that grows on cannabis, or can grow on cannabis anyway, that if inhaled might cause a lung infection. They do not address the many other ways that cannabis may be used to treat arthritis (topically) or systemic fatigue (via tinctures added to tea for instance) I think that the processing that is required to make these other applicatory methods would destroy any fungus. But someone else told me that they also consider our natural cannabinoids (endogenous) sufficient, and any additional cannabis use as "overdosing" but I didn't get this from the transplant people. Anyone else have any information about this?? Thanks for reading.:thankyou::Namaste:
Hi there fellow kidney patient.

I am since 2006 a kidney transplant recipient, and since 2007 a med. student in Denmark.

I've smoked on a few occasions since without really thinking about drug interactions, but this last year I've slowly been escalating my usage to 1-2 times a week. I did some searches in the literature, and it seems there is a lot of confusion about how exactly cannabis interferes with the immunosuppresant drugs they administer to transplant patients. It can either raise or lower the level of the drugs in your blood.

If I, as a soon to be pro-marihuana doctor, should offer you any advice. It would be to keep your use to a minimum in the beginning, then try to time some of the bloodwork with you having been high the night before. If the numbers are off and the doctors want to change your medication based on that bloodwork, you can just tell them that you drank a lot of grapefruit juice by accident and get the tests redone. If the levels of the drugs are fine, you can assume that the amount of cannabis you took the night before does not interfere in a significant way with your drugs. :)

If you're worried about the fungus-infection, just eat/drink it, thus keeping it out of your lungs. The infection-risk is only at its highest the first year or so after transplantation, though.

Hope this answered your question, or is there something I missed? Good luck with being on the waiting-list in the mean-time.
I am a kidney patient in renal failure .I was told by a kidney transplant surgeon that thc has been found to make the new kidney reject earlier.:helpsmilie::hmmmm::sorry:
I have a question for you rhesus,if you don't:thanks: mind.I am a kidney transplant patient and am wondering if i use a vaporizer:thanks: if you think that would keep my labs steady and keep me from that dreaded fungus (fungillias)?
I feel i need to explain further why im:420: interested in vaporization for medicinal purpose.In 1994 i was diagnosed with anxiety due to ptsd.Pharmaceuticals make it worse in so many ways.Ive found marijuana takes the edge of in SMALL amounts.Now i have had a kidney transplant obviously i don't smoke for fear of organ rejection. Will vaporization of cannabis keep rejection away?Im desperate these people(psychiatrist)say they understand but in the same breath they say how about this medication,end result in me walking out stressed out with no result!PILLS DONT WORK FOR ME!
To cure chronic kidney diseases, it is essential to find out the actual cause and get the best course of treatment for it. Instead of believing in anyone’s opinion, you should discuss your problem with some good doctors, who can guide you in the right direction. Chronic kidney diseases can cause kidney failure, so expert opinions can avoid this condition.
My wife had a kidney transplant over a decade ago. Her primary care physician recommended that she use cannabis. We decided to consult with the transplant doctors. The head doctor who is in charge of a region consisting of several states recommended that she uses cannabis. She is still doing great and is their model patient. She has no problems and her creatinine numbers are sterling. She is in great health. Cannabis works for her restless leg syndrome, helping her sleep and assorted other things.
I had a kidney transplant in 2008 and smoked cannabis prior to and since the transplant. My transplant team (at a well known San Fran med ctr/teaching hospital) knew of my cannabis use and saw no problem with it. I am on 3 immunosuppressants and get labs done monthly now. My drug levels are rock steady and my SCr is good. No problems with rejection. About a year ago I asked my nephrologist (kidney doctor) if he would sign the paperwork so that I could get my medical mj card, as I have a long history of back, hip and shoulder pain. He agreed wholeheartedly. Since then I have made an effort to treat cannabis more like a medication that I take multiple times per day instead of just smoking a joint in the evening to take the edge off. In approaching it this way, I have now been able to reduce my dosage of oxycodone significantly. I have been perusing this site for about 3 months now reading grow journals. I want to start growing my own medicine and most importantly, the correct strain of medicine, so that my pain issues will hopefully no longer be the limiting factor in my life. I do agree that during the first year after transplant while your body is getting used to the immunosuppressants that you are more susceptible to disease. However, you will be put on an antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic regimen to prevent all of the things you don't want to catch during that time. I also have a long history of autoimmune disease (Crohn's disease, eosinophilic cystitis) and had been on prednisone for most of my life. So even though I had/have immunosuppressants on top of an already messed up immune system still hasn't made me susceptible to any type of fungal disease from smoking cannabis. Just my 2 cents.
Hi C Sprite,

Welcome to 420 Magazine!

Great story! Wow, you have been through the ringer! You might want to possibly research using cannabis concentrated oil also as an alternative. It builds your immune system and with proper strains can eliminate all pain, works as an antibiotic, disinfectant, sugar levels, blood pressure, repairs glands, organs and the list goes on and on. And still enjoy you smoke, cake and ice cream if you will :)

For smoking a vaporizer is 40% more effective than say smoking a joint (which offers 10% medicinal value). High CBD strains like Harlequin/Cannatonic/Harle-Tsu/AC-DC to name a few is for pain/inflammation. Sativa for depression, appetite suppression and pick up, Indica for anxiety/panic attacks and sleep/insomnia issues.
Thank you 420 Motoco for the welcome and advice. I recently purchased a vaporizer (the box-like kind with a whip), but I sort of feel like I don't get as much out of it as when I either smoke from a pipe or with papers. It always looks like so much is left over. Is this normal? Do you know what temperature I should set it at to ensure full vaporization of all of the active ingredients? Also, do you know if I can do anything with the "remains" leftover after vaporizing other than throwing them out?

Great minds must think alike, as I have been perusing the cannabis recipe forum and have been looking at the oil, tincture and topical salve routes for my pain. It does seem to me that I would need a high CBD type strain like the ones you mentioned. One more question if you will: I have a gallon size Ziploc bag full of shake from about 5 yrs ago that has been stored inside a plastic container in the dark. Do you think I should try and use for a recipe or is it too old? Thanks again.
Hi C Sprite,

Your welcome and thank you. Tell me what type of vaporizer you have, if I don't know how that one works someone will chime in who does. You have to get used to a vaporizer, you don't get the burn in the throat or lungs like smoking a joint or bowl. Once you understand how much more medical value you get from a vaporizer and how easy it is on the lungs it was an easy switch for me. The taste of the flower alone is therapeutic :) I've heard (no actual experience) people keep the remains for culinary use? Give it a chance and you will be rewarded. Its just a another learning curve, once experienced you will look forward to trying another fantastic tasting flower.

Your absolutely correct, you need a high CBD strain. One important mention on the cannabis oil; it not only will manage your pain and inflammation but covers the spectrum for a plethora of ailments to long to list. A 'blanket' of health insurance if you will. Also I would like to point out the concentrated oil kills fungus and all mutating cells. A high CBD strain can be a 'racehorse', normally 70% or higher sativa dominate. I blend mine with a 50/50 hybrid to tone the CBD strain down. This combo is excellent for daytime use not only for medicinal purposes but gives a 'wellness' feeling that is second to none.

To see if your shake has any medical value vape some to check the potency. If really weak I would personally toss it.

A final mention; try all methods, salve, tinctures. Save the concentrate for last. Remember taken correctly there is no euphoric. Your not going to get the 'high' like smoking a dub or bowl full. Your going to be able to feel 'healthy' and that is better than any high you have experienced, especially with chronic pain. You can still vape, smoke, etc, just take the oil first. I save my vape for the end of the day as I love the wellness feeling. Hope this helps.

420 Motoco

Thank you 420 Motoco for the welcome and advice. I recently purchased a vaporizer (the box-like kind with a whip), but I sort of feel like I don't get as much out of it as when I either smoke from a pipe or with papers. It always looks like so much is left over. Is this normal? Do you know what temperature I should set it at to ensure full vaporization of all of the active ingredients? Also, do you know if I can do anything with the "remains" leftover after vaporizing other than throwing them out?

Great minds must think alike, as I have been perusing the cannabis recipe forum and have been looking at the oil, tincture and topical salve routes for my pain. It does seem to me that I would need a high CBD type strain like the ones you mentioned. One more question if you will: I have a gallon size Ziploc bag full of shake from about 5 yrs ago that has been stored inside a plastic container in the dark. Do you think I should try and use for a recipe or is it too old? Thanks again.
Hi 420 Motoco,

I no longer have the box for my vaporizer but I went on the store's website and copied the url:
hopefully you'll be able to tell what kind it is. It is box-like with a whip attachment and has a digital display with up/down buttons to adjust the temperature and a "ready" light for when it's at the designated temperature.

You must have been studying the medicinal value of cannabis for quite some time. I would love to pick your brain further. When you speak of it having a plethora of uses, that gives me so much hope, as I have a plethora of issues to overcome. With over 40 surgeries, 14 prescriptions and a never give up attitude, I have made the decision to do something about my pain and other health issues. I am going to start growing my own medicine since conventional medicine hasn't done much for me, especially in regards to my pain.

I am disabled and with my given circumstances, am physically unable to put together a grow tent. I am considering purchasing a turnkey type grow cabinet (I don't think I can mention brands here) but basically a 3'wx2'dx6'h metal or cedar cabinet with the LED/hydroponic option and add'l side T5s. I haven't made up my mind on which one I want. One comes with a backup reservoir, chiller and optional fully automatic pH system ($675). Do you think the auto pH system is worth it? I've never grown before, although I've partaken for 35+ yrs. I've searched for this type of system in the grow journal forum, but only came up with a couple of grows by stealthgrow from a few yrs back.

I do already have seeds of about 10 varieties, mostly feminized, but some regular and a couple auto. One strain, the Royal Queen Painkiller XL Feminized, I believe is a higher CBD strain. The others are across the board, but lean more towards the indica side. I would love to chat with you and others too, if they'd like, about which cabinet I should purchase, what seeds I have available and with my given circumstances (new grower, space constraints, seed choices, pain control) which seeds I should try first. Should a conversation like that be started elsewhere?

I've given you +reps for all of your advice thus far and for your tutorial on making the concentrated cannabis oil. I read it last night and it was very informative and well laid out. One more thing - In your last comment to me, you said "... Save the concentrate for last. ..." What concentrate were you speaking of?

You are so kind to give me such a warm welcome to this site. I am hoping that I can make some friends while here.
Hi C Sprite,

For what ever reason I did not see your follow up post. Weird, because I'm subscribed to this thread. Oh well. I was referring to your previous post when mentioning tinctures, salves, edibles, etc. I was saying, 'try them all' save the concentrate for last. I always save the best for last, lol. That is what I meant. Thank you for your compliments. Truly appreciated. Go to the grow section for all your q & a's on the growing side. I have my own thing going on the grow side and its works well for me. My expertise is the concentrate itself. I love conversing about growing as I love that also (you need good flowers to have good extracts). 99.9 % of my day is helping people with aliments and serious illnesses. You cannot help but making good friends on 420 Magazine. One final mention, be cautious selecting a dominate indica strain for daytime use. In most cases I've found people do not like walking around all day feeling lethargic. Indica is great for sleep but healing on it in the daytime does not work out so well. Ask budnoob2 about this if you haven't looked or read some other post about indica during the day.
Hi, I am 40 years old and have been smoking weed since I was 23. In 2003 I was diagnosed with LUPUS. It attacked my kidneys to where I received dialysis for 5 years. I started dialysis in November 27, of 2015 & I received my kidney transplant in November 28th, of 2020. I never stopped smoking weed. My doctors were well aware of it. Now that I had my transplant they told me about the bacteria that weed can cause and harm ur lungs and kidney. But never once was I told that I had to stop smoking weed or I would not be eligible for a transplant. Now that I received it I did stop. I dont want to risk it. But like I said before I didnt stop smoking until the day of my transplant. I would even smome before my dialysis treatment. I was an all day everyday smoker.
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