Cannabis coffee: first time making it


Well-Known Member
I’m not sure if I did it right but followed some instructions online.

I have a feeling it was for a whole pot but I only made enough to fill an insulated coffee mug.

Took an 1/8th of dried and decarbed sugar leaves and ground popcorn buds and added it to 2 tbs of butter and what was 2 cups of boiling water. Let it simmer on low making sure it didn’t boil for 2 hours.

I strained and dumped the remaining water/butter mixture into my coffee mug (about 1/3 full) and proceeded to use k-cups to fill the rest of my mug.

This is only my second time using an infused drink. My first was dispensary bought and contained 100mg of THC. It was so so, light buzz but nothing too overwhelming.

This time I’m not sure what will happen due to dosing.

Going to work now. Wish me luck!
I made a 16oz killer cup of tea once. Put an 1/8th of cured, ground fresh bud in the cup, microwaved till it just started to boil, let it stand 10 mins, microwave again to just starting boiling, let stand, did that cycle like 5 or 6 times, then strained the liquid, let it cool and drank it down on an empty stomach and ate the now mushy weed. 2 hours later I was so stoned and dizzy that I had to lay down. Fell asleep shortly after and was out cold for a full 8 hours, woke up still buzzing pretty good but well rested!
Recently, I've been making canna-infused oil and adding it to my chai tea. My normal dose is 5 teaspoons of oil for around 500 to 600 mg of THC per serving.
Nothing like overdosing on homemade edibles. sorry for laughing whilst reading this but we've all been there. Made a batch of cookies one time and literally could not get up from my couch, fun times
Let us know when you try it again and what ratio/amount you use. Obviously you will spread out the resulting amount if you don't use less.

I loved my coco cannabis oil in my coffee in the morning. I would fly all day through work. Totally the best feeling, but getting the correct mixture of CBD and THC was important so I didn't bust out in the giggles.
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