Cannabutter - Warning Not For Beginners

I just harvested one of my plants and I have a ton of leaf material to make into cannabutter. I will be using the formula given in this thread, but do I have to dry or cure my leaves, or can I just toss them in fresh from the plant (I finished harvesting about an hour ago)?
Re: Cannabutter :Warning Not For Beginners:

It is suggested that you Decarboxylate the trim before you make the butter.
Re: Cannabutter :Warning Not For Beginners:

It is suggested that you Decarboxylate the trim before you make the butter.

What is that? Our sugar is organic, so I haven't had any issues except that the Magic Brownies I
made were very potent. My friend disagreed with me.
In any case, we all loved them.

She made Cannabutter in her crockpot, I just did the stove top.
I still have about a pound left, how long does it keep in the freezer? :)
I also want to mention, I guess a disclaimer is good, but what thinking adult
doesn't keep anything that could be dangerous up and away from children?

When my kids were young, and I smoked, I kept everything way out of reach, child-proof doors on
the poisons, garage poisons up out of reach....

I just don't understand how kids and dogs are getting hold of this stuff?
Are people that dumb? (Before smoking, I mean)

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread.
Re: Cannabutter :Warning Not For Beginners:

What is that? Our sugar is organic, so I haven't had any issues except that the Magic Brownies I
made were very potent. My friend disagreed with me.
In any case, we all loved them.

She made Cannabutter in her crockpot, I just did the stove top.
I still have about a pound left, how long does it keep in the freezer? :)

Raw cannabis contains THCA. If you want it to be psychoactive it needs to be heated to remove the carboxylic group in the form of water and vapor and the THCA becomes THC and psychoactive. Smoking does this. When it is used in cooking people feel that by doing this, decarboxylation, it releases the psychoactive form in what is being cooked or prepared.
Re: Cannabutter :Warning Not For Beginners:

Wow! No wonder you were tripping balls. My wife makes cannabutter cookies. She uses about 2-3 grams of good strong chemdawg buds and a couple grams of toasted vaped material or defol fan leaves per one pound of butter. 1 pound of butter makes 4 dozen (48) cookies. At that strength, she eats one cookie to mitigate a migraine or two to catch a real good buzz.

Yeah, WhizHigh was trippin'. That's a good measurement your wife use KushMeister.
I think there ought to be some sort of portion disclaimer on edibles sold. If you make them at home you should know better to test your batch to know tolerance levels.
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