Anyways, strain is pineapple chunk. Two plants in a non recirculating DWC system. Have three air pump. Two of them are 20-60 gallon aquaculture air pumps from walmart and the other is an eco air 2 watt air pump single outlet. Three pumps running full blast in a ten gallon tote with around eight gallons of water. Have 150 hps sun system light with 4 23 watt 6500k cfl (two above each plant. The hps is around 7 inches above plants and the cfl is about 1inch. I have a big fan which I think might of caused some wind burn so I have backed it up. Painted the room flat white and have two thernometers/hygrometer. I am using Canna's Aqua Vega nutrients part A and B as well as I'm foliar feeding rhizotonic 4 to six times a day. Room temps can get are at 77 up to 88. My biggest issue is low humidity...I can get the room at a stable lower temp...but the room dries up. 16 percent humidity! Right now it's in high 30 ' low 40 ' and temp is at 82. And that's about it. They are on a 24/0 cycle, thinking strongly about just switching to 18/6 but I'm trying to figure out the room before causing anymore stress. And that's where I'm at now. These plants look nothing like three week old plants is supposed to. My soil plants have beat them a d they are a week old. Sure this has more nodes but that's all. No branching out at all. But we will see.
I would like to restart but I'm not in any rush and if I can fix these than why not. They are purchased seeds so I consider these practice before I go and put more seeds into an unfamiliar, unstable system. But it looks like it might just start stabilizing soon. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Oh....I use the water droplets to test my ph and I should be getting my ppm meter soon. Mid november. My ph is around 5.5.