Chappie's First Grow Journal - WW Auto - Soil - Indoor - LED

quick update:

today is a light feed day and I have decided to recalibrate my ph pen... which I should of done a while ago apparently... Found out it was at least .3-.4 lower that what it should of been. Most likely contributing to nutrient lockout. Rookie mistake on my part but this is a learning experience and now I know better. Anyway the girls are getting 1/4 tsp of flower fuel per gallon of ph water @ 6.7-6.8 ph. ppm is 565. 3 gallons split up between the 5.

Monica and Priscilla are the furthest along with Kayla and Brooke right behind them and Toni coming up in the rear due to her being a photoperiod strain. Overall aside from the ugly leaves that burned and had lockout and deficiencies going on, they are still frosting up pretty good. I have definitely learned a lot so far this grow and hope to learn a lot more.




Day 76:
Day 44 of flower:

The girls got fed today. 1/2 tsp Flower fuel, and 3ml Cal-mag per gallon of water x4 gallons split up between them. I defoliated quite a bit today between all 5 of them and my hands felt like they were covered in super glue when I was done. :drool: enough to open up each of them for better air flow and light penetration.

So these are supposed to be an 8 week flower time but I'm thinking they are going to go past that. They haven't started to swell yet but I'm thinking this week or next and they will start to. Toni is the exception because she turned out to be the photoperiod ww. She is creating nice budlets now.

Almost all the pistils on Priscilla have changed to a brown color but is nowhere near harvest. Does anyone know if this is something to be worried about? or am I just overthinking it.

Here is Priscilla, she is the furthest along. She is also directly under the light.

Here is one of her buds.

I will try to get some other pics up but it will only let me upload 2 right now.
I have decided to recalibrate my ph pen... which I should of done a while ago apparently... Found out it was at least .3-.4 lower that what it should of been.

That doesn't seem like it's a very significant error, I suppose. However, the pH scale is a logarithmic one, which means that for every (whole-)number drop, the thing being measured isn't twice as acidic - it's ten times more acidic.

And, while plants are able to take up nutrients over a broad pH range, the portion of the range where they can do so well (most efficiently, perhaps) is narrower. Because those narrowed portions of the pH range do not all line up nicely for all elements, it means that there is a "sweet spot," so to speak.

One doesn't have to be anal about it, I suppose. When I was running DWC, I'd have the pH at a certain number, allow it to slowly change as the plant consumed certain things, then put it back where it started (often by adding back what the plant had consumed instead of reaching for the pH adjuster).
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