Charlotte's Web - Organically Grown

What strain is it? Charlotte's Web by Reeferman Genetics - 10 regular seeds.

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Sativa.

Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seeds will be germed using the paper towel method tomorrow morning.

If in Veg... For how long? N/A.

If in Flower stage... For how long? N/A.

Indoor or outdoor? Indoor.

Soil or Hydro? Soil.

If soil... what is in your mix? Roots Organics with Sierra Foothill Organic Foothill Fertilizer.

If soil... What size pot? 6", then a transplant to 3 gallon.

Size of lights?
-Seedling: 125 watt blue spectrum mogul-based CFL.
-Vegetative and flowering: 250 watt MH/HPS and 400 watt Eye-Hortilux HPS with 250/400 Phantom digital ballast.

Is it aircooled? 6" inline fan with air cooled reflector.

Temp of Room/cab? around 83 degrees F.

RH of Room/cab? 54%.

PH of media or res? Don't check.

Any Pests ? No.

How often are you watering? I expect to water and feed alternately 2 times a week (RO water and General Organics CaMg+).

Type and strength of ferts used? BioLink Micronutrients (veg and flower), BioLink Organic 3-3-3 (veg), BioLink Organic 0-5-5 (flower), Dr. Earth's Metabolic Transformer (veg and flower), Earth Juice Hi-Brix (veg and flower).

Post pics when they pop the soil :)


ooh ooh ooh, AHH AHH AHH!!!!!
Thanks man here's more info (from the breeder's website):

Charlotte's Web - Reeferman Genetics

This high CBD strain does well both indoors and outdoors and can withstand many types of stresses. There is a range of phenotypes, which tend to be vigorous, fast growing and can require management of stretching if given extra time in vegetative growth. Despite the potential for stretching, they are medium sized plants with closely spaced buds. They benefit from topping, tying or supercropping of the main stem prior to flowering, in order to level the canopy and allow branches to extend up rather than sideways. With many of the phenos, the buds can have extreme levels of trichomes and can vary from dense rock-like buds to more spongy and oily buds.

The smell and taste are a combination of musky or skunky along with perfume/ floral aromas. These seeds will produce mostly high-CBD plants with between a 1:1 and 4:1 ratio of CBD:THC, ideal for people avoiding the psychoactive effects of THC. On average, 25% will have very high CBD with almost no THC. Then 50% will have both high CBD and high THC. The other 25% of the seeds will produce high-THC phenotypes. On average, 1 of 4 seeds will have 1% THC and from 13% to 23% CBD.

Keeping cuttings will allow you to preserve the phenos with the desired levels. Lab testing is recommended, to identify the right amount of CBD for your needs. CBD-rich cannabis has been found to be therapeutic in different combinations for different types of ailments. It has also been found that mixing high-CBD bud with high-THC bud in varying amounts can offset THC's side effects such as memory loss and confusion and also prevent the burn-out, lethargy, or physical dysphoria that can follow smoking too much strong weed.
If you cross Charlottes Web with the strain "the HOG" do you get the strain "Wilbur"? LOL
Subscribed. Do you plan to take clones from the plants and lab test the resulting harvests to determine which plants to keep as mothers?

My plan was to go by the buzz; I figure the one that doesn't get me high or doesn't get me very high must be it :) I'd love to get it tested, but that probably costs a fortune. I want to take a clone of each and label it after I determine the sex so I'll have a copy of the right one or ones.
Welcome everybody and I hope I do okay here; this strain got my attention when the tee vee show aired. I think I'm going to SCROG this grow. 3 of the seeds are opened up so far, but only 1 has a short tail coming out. A few others are cracked. I'll get them in the soil probably tomorrow.

hee hee yes but if you want real hybrid vigor, i suggest crossing ghs's the church and mr. Nice's $hit to get the strain, "holy crap!" :)

Note: All 11 seeds are opened, from having a 1/4" tail to just being cracked. I'll get them in Roots Organics soil tomorrow. I'll start them in 6" square plastic pots. I am also switching the bulb to a 200 watt blue spectrum CFL and running 18/6. I have another grow I started and I'll be growing it next to this one for a few weeks so I need the extra lumen coverage. I'll switch them after sexing to 3 gallon containers with Sierra Foothill mixed in to the Roots Organics soil at 1 lb. per gallon of pot size to finish them out.

All 11 of the seeds were planted this morning. Only one is barely opened and has not changed in appearance; it's still a healthy white color so I planted it. The other 10 have tails from 1/4" to 1/2" long. I watered them in with RO water and CaMg+ (CalMag is derived from calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate and I want to avoid nitrates; CaMg+ is derived from calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate which I think are both organic). Post pics when they pop the soil; it's on! :)
What made you want to grow Charlotte's Web a strain with 0% THC but very high CBDs?

You never know when you might run across someone who needs the help, KJC. I'm curious about the effects myself, so I'll be my own Guinea Pig to see if it works. Oh, plus the same reason I grew an Old Timers Haze plant for over a year twice knowing I wasn't going to do well with it. Passion for the art. I'm pretty much obsessed with growing. :)
Here's the first pic:


They've been above ground for a day, but I wanted to wait until I had them in their own grow area (there are a few clones and a reveg in there too; the clone in the pic is a GDP).

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