Chocolate pot pudding


New Member
So, I've been thinking of doing this for awhile. I Finally got around to it and I made it w/ my bud (she ended up yielding about 2.5 oz or more).

First you need to make bhang; it is marijuana milk. I used to have the process posted somewhere but it went AWOL. Use any milk but skim. The higher the fat content the better. I've done it mostly through trial and error. It's great for shake and low grade weed since it maximizes its potential (just like cannabutter does). A cup or two of milk and an 1/8th or more of weed and simmer for 20-45 minutes. Stir occasionally. Then strain it very well and toss the plant matter. You may have to add more milk perodically since there is quite a bit of evaporation.

Google marijuana milk or bhang for a better description of this process. Potency is at your discretion.

Pot Pudding

I used low fat jello chocolate pudding (the low fat part went out the window). Make it like you would on the instructions, adding normal milk to make up for the difference. It's too easy. Tastes not bad either.

It kicks in faster than pot brownies, around 30-60 minutes, and is an awesome, relaxing, mellow high. Great for lounging around watching movies. Also had one of the best sleeps I'd had in a long time :sleep: .

We had 2 heaping tablespoons each. The 2nd night we tried just a teaspoon and it was a functional mellow-ness. It will last for ages if you freeze it (which we have).
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