Day 1 : (from seed) 1 Afghani (feminized), 1 Skunk x Ruderalis (regular).
Used paper towel germination method for both seeds w/ homemade seed germinator pad (heating pad with multiple layers of cloth to prevent overheating). Managed to keep it around 75 - 85 degrees (couldn't get precise control, but worked well).
Day 2 : Both seeds open approximately 18-24 hrs from start. (from seed) 1 - Jack La Mota (feminized), 1 TNT Kush (feminized). Same germination method as above.
Day 3 : Jack La Mota open, Afghani and Skunk x Ruderalis with 1'4" tail, TNT Kush - no visible change. Afghani and Skunk x Ruderalis put into rockwool cubes (Superlocker cloning chamber w/ CFL T5 bulb - 24 hr. light cycle).
Day 4 : TNT Kush open, Jack La Mota with 1/4" tail (placed into rockwool cube and put in chamber), Afghani and Skunk x Ruderalis approximately 3/8" out of rockwool w/cotylendons.
Day 5 : TNT Kush has 3/8" tail (placed into rockwool cube and put in chamber). Jack La Mota 1/2" out of rockwool w/cotylendons.
Used paper towel germination method for both seeds w/ homemade seed germinator pad (heating pad with multiple layers of cloth to prevent overheating). Managed to keep it around 75 - 85 degrees (couldn't get precise control, but worked well).
Day 2 : Both seeds open approximately 18-24 hrs from start. (from seed) 1 - Jack La Mota (feminized), 1 TNT Kush (feminized). Same germination method as above.
Day 3 : Jack La Mota open, Afghani and Skunk x Ruderalis with 1'4" tail, TNT Kush - no visible change. Afghani and Skunk x Ruderalis put into rockwool cubes (Superlocker cloning chamber w/ CFL T5 bulb - 24 hr. light cycle).
Day 4 : TNT Kush open, Jack La Mota with 1/4" tail (placed into rockwool cube and put in chamber), Afghani and Skunk x Ruderalis approximately 3/8" out of rockwool w/cotylendons.
Day 5 : TNT Kush has 3/8" tail (placed into rockwool cube and put in chamber). Jack La Mota 1/2" out of rockwool w/cotylendons.