Cig’s Mars Hydro TSL 2000 x2 With Several Different Strains In Soil

Well, it looks like the 4 week Diesel seed was a dud, but I put the 4 week Diesel x Black Rose in the paper towel three days ago and it popped today. Woot!

The dangers of super cropping. I was bending this one down a bit as well as a couple other branches to even it up with the canopy a bit and it snapped. Who says duct tape doesn't fix everything? Looks like the branch may be recovering ok. Going to leave the tape on for at least a week I think.

Yeah...I snapped a couple branches last year. I was amazed to see them recover as well as they do. I used masking tape on my branches. I've seen people use electric tape too.

Plants look awesome. Those harvests are golden! Congrats
Final results on what went into cure with the 62% Boveda packs

Diesel - 51g
Cookies - 39g
Black Rose - 41g
Grape Jelly - 44g

175g total. Puts me right at about 1.17 gpw. Not too bad considering the early issues. I am very interested to see the difference with the 5 left in the same tent/light now. They are filling the entire foot print and I have had the nutrients pretty dialed in since a few weeks before they went into flower.
I am looking forward to watching some homemade seed action...maybe will try sometime. Ill be rooting for this pun intended.

Thanks! Me too. This one is kind of doing ok for its first week, but the soil I had it in was too packed and dense so I dug this one up along with a few others I just started, fluffed all the soil and replanted them. Here is hoping they will do ok!
Yeah, it is The Hammer that I put into flower with the males. It is not super fat, but the colas have nice little nugs on them almost half the way down. It is only showing a few amber and a few cloudy though, so I may let it go a bit longer.
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