Clones In Soil - LED - SnarlyWeeds Up & Coming Once Upon A Goodtime Grow 2017


New Member
Hi friends. 2nd grow.
Soil from my local grow shop. All I really know is they say it's inert.
Nutes from local grow shop, house brand, 3-1-3 for veg, and "The Stuff, Bloom" for flower. CalMag.
Tap water.
3 gal smart pots.
Various Mars Hydro LED lights
2x4 veg tent, 2x4 flower tent.
Legal clones from ThcBiomed. 1x Atomical Haze, 1x White Berry, 1x Sensi Star.

This is probably going to be a simple journal, it's my second grow, first attempt at doing a journal.
The legal clones are basically me crossing my t's and dotting my i's. A legal home grow in Canada requires that starting materials be purchased from a Licensed Producer. This can be relatively expensive, but can you put a price on the comfort of knowing you are completely legal?

Clones were shipped from BC on Mar 21, arrived in southern Ontario around noon Mar 22. The package was well insulated, and clones came in their proprietary "Clone Shipper". The Clone Shippers actually have 2 small grow led's in the lid, helping to keep the clones happy and growing. And they did arrive happy.


While this grow is about the clones, I also germinated a few seeds while waiting for clones to arrive. They are in same tent for now.
re: Clones In Soil - LED - SnarlyWeeds Up & Coming Once Upon A Goodtime Grow 2017

I had prepared the fabric pots the day before, filling with soil and giving a good watering. A few hours after the clones arrived, I put them into the soil. Right now they are under a Mars Pro II 160 with veg only lighting..
My flower tent is about 5-15 days from harvest, and I will be hanging and drying in same tent. Once the dry is complete, I will be moving the clones to the flower tent. Hoping to do a short veg period and then flip to 12/12.
Should be interesting, as the Atomical Haze is 80% Sativa hybrid. The other 2 clones are more Indica dominant.
I plan on some LST.
The stuff I planted from seed will stay in the veg tent. The seeds were picked up locally, not feminized, and about a buck apiece. Most of the seeds are Texada X Frisian Dew. The rest were just mixed hybrid.
Once harvest is done, the veg tent will have the Mars Reflector 144 (5 watt diodes), and the flower tent will have a Mars II 400 along with a Mars Pro II 160.
re: Clones In Soil - LED - SnarlyWeeds Up & Coming Once Upon A Goodtime Grow 2017

Ok guys and gals, this being first grow with clones, should I do some straight water only before adding nutes? I was going to play it by ear and let the plants tell me when they wanted nutes, but some advice wouldn't hurt.
As mentioned, the grow supply shop said the soil is inert, but on my first grow (from seed), I didn't add any nutes until switching over to flower. At the time I didn't realize the soil was supposedly inert. But the plants survived pretty well on straight tap water, then on the bloom nutes til flush. The upcoming harvest looks just fine, all things considered.

re: Clones In Soil - LED - SnarlyWeeds Up & Coming Once Upon A Goodtime Grow 2017

Oh man, looks like I may be harvesting the flower tent sooner than I thought. I was doing my routine "is everything plugged in and functioning check" that I never do, and found that the timer for the flower tent was working perfectly. Except that nothing was plugged into it. I swear, there must be Gremlins living with me. The light, however, was plugged in straight to the power bar. So my White Cookie and my 30% have been under 24/7 lighting for anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks.
I don't know how much damage was done, if any.

I'm seriously considering chopping this weekend or sooner. I'm a week or so from chopping anyways. I hope I'm not jumping the gun!
Am i the first visitor here?:cheertwo: Yeah,i saw your signatures:bravo:

Hi Sara, and thanks for viewing my journal. I haven't really mentioned it much, so wan't expecting much traffic.
And yup, you are first.:thumb:
Hi snarly. I'm having a peek in too since you said hello. Looking very nice. I'm a bit envious of your set up and legal status but what can we do?


Hey Smokey, thanks for dropping by, plenty of room in the peanut gallery right now, You are the second to pull up a seat.:thanks:
You know, funny thing, but back in the late 60's, we used to predict that pot would be legal in 10 years. And we kept predicting that right up to present. Had to get it right sooner or later, eh?
I probably, actually most likely would have become legal sooner if I had tried. Although I had always made my doc aware of my 420 consumption, something always stopped me asking for a prescription. Finally said screw it, let's go for it, and asked the big question. Almost fell to the floor when he said "Of course, let me refer you to this clinic, they will sort you out". And the rest is history

.Moving along, here are a couple pics of my tent setup.


The MJ blanket on flower tent (above) is to help with light leaks around the door zipper

Clones seem to be doing well. It's been 2 days since they took up residence.
The little guys that popped from seeds look a little more hit and miss, but that's ok. Seeds and seedlings used to croak if I looked sideways at them. We seem to be mending our ways though, so fingers crossed.

Ha ha I like your wee friends on top. Man, that's a wicked set up! Awesome.


:thanks: The wee three on the top are the clones. This being the first time with clones, I was sweating bullets when ordering them. They arrived in the "clone shippers", I just let them acclimate for a few hours, then popped them into the fabric pots. Looks like they never skipped a beat. The little guys below are hit and miss, looks to me like I might get 4 or 5 out of the 8. For me, that's like hitting a grand slam home run

As for my setup, I'm having fun with it. I was worried about light leaks in the taller tent coming in from the air intake duct. It was fine during veg, but I could see light bouncing around the inside of the duct. So, rather than building a light trap, I used that as an excuse to purchase the shorter tent for veg only. Now the intake is to the short tent, exhausts into the flower tents intake, then exhausts outside. I can adjust temperature somewhat by raising the intake duct toward the warmer ceiling, or lowering it for cooler air at floor level. The exhaust has I think 5 good bends before it becomes the intake for the flower tent. No light leakage at all. All the air is moved by a 460 cfm fan with speed control. I'm sure there are lots of reasons to not do it this way, but it works for me for now
Got up to check tents at lights on this morning only to find it dark in the veg tent, And I learned another new lesson. Never leave timers on a power bar on the floor where the buttons are out in the open. It appears the culprit is myself. When opening the tent door, and wrapping it around the side of the tent, The door brushed against the RND button on the timer. The cure was to hit the AUTO button and make sure it was on. Everything is fine now, timer is off the floor and out of the way.
I'm getting better at this, my friends. I usually discover these issues days or weeks after they happen.

All appears good. Clone look happy. The jury still out on the seeds.

Re: Clones In Soil - LED - SnarlyWeeds Up & Coming Once Upon A Goodtime Grow 2017

:thanks: The wee three on the top are the clones. This being the first time with clones, I was sweating bullets when ordering them. They arrived in the "clone shippers", I just let them acclimate for a few hours, then popped them into the fabric pots. Looks like they never skipped a beat. The little guys below are hit and miss, looks to me like I might get 4 or 5 out of the 8. For me, that's like hitting a grand slam home run

As for my setup, I'm having fun with it. I was worried about light leaks in the taller tent coming in from the air intake duct. It was fine during veg, but I could see light bouncing around the inside of the duct. So, rather than building a light trap, I used that as an excuse to purchase the shorter tent for veg only. Now the intake is to the short tent, exhausts into the flower tents intake, then exhausts outside. I can adjust temperature somewhat by raising the intake duct toward the warmer ceiling, or lowering it for cooler air at floor level. The exhaust has I think 5 good bends before it becomes the intake for the flower tent. No light leakage at all. All the air is moved by a 460 cfm fan with speed control. I'm sure there are lots of reasons to not do it this way, but it works for me for now
The clones you orderd did they come already rooted and ready to go ? Ive recieved cuts but never rooted and ready to go

Flushing buds since 2002
Re: Clones In Soil - LED - SnarlyWeeds Up & Coming Once Upon A Goodtime Grow 2017

The clones you orderd did they come already rooted and ready to go ? Ive recieved cuts but never rooted and ready to go

Flushing buds since 2002

Absolutely. I wasn't sure what to expect when I ordered them. When they arrived and I opened the clone shipper, I was so excited that they were very well rooted in what appeared to be soil. Just popped them out of their container, and dropped them into soil in the smart pots.
Dumbest thing I did was not take pictures of the rooted clones before planting them.
Whew. Couldn't sleep so got up at 4am and checked tents. The veg tent timer does not like me. For some reason it flipped itself to off. Threw it back on, hit the Auto button, and it looks ok now. Display says auto and on. Pretty straightforward, right? We'll see if it runs the 18/6 cycle today,

So I harvested the white cookie and the 30% this morning. I trimmed the white cookie, and just chopped and hung the 30%. Why didn't you guys tell me how much work was involved in harvest? Oh yeah. You did!

So this was my opportunity to put the lights in their new lineup. The Mars Reflector 144 (5 watt diodes) is in the veg tent, running just veg, about 15" above the clones. Keeping an eye on it to see if the girls like the placement. Will adjust as necessary. Placed the germinated seeds on top of the clone pots for now to see how they take to it. Once the hanging and drying in the flower tent is done, the clones will move there and be under the Mars 400 and the Mars Pro II 160. The lights will not go in the flower tent until the hang and dry is complete.

Mars Reflector 144 in it's' new home with the clones and germinated seeds



White Cookie on drying screen, 30% hanging

Nugs from the White Cookie

White Cookie

Just before harvest
Re: Clones In Soil - LED - SnarlyWeeds Up & Coming Once Upon A Goodtime Grow 2017

Oh man, looks like I may be harvesting the flower tent sooner than I thought. I was doing my routine "is everything plugged in and functioning check" that I never do, and found that the timer for the flower tent was working perfectly. Except that nothing was plugged into it. I swear, there must be Gremlins living with me. The light, however, was plugged in straight to the power bar. So my White Cookie and my 30% have been under 24/7 lighting for anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks.
I don't know how much damage was done, if any.

I'm seriously considering chopping this weekend or sooner. I'm a week or so from chopping anyways. I hope I'm not jumping the gun!
Thats unfortunate man sorry to hear but i say put them back on 12\12 and let them go a little more outa them ..i would just watch them closly for bananas or pollen pods or any kind of hermie signs .but if u dont have signs like that i think they should be good if the genetics are stable enough ..if it was only a few days rather then a couple weeks i think they will be alright to finish them out many weeks flower are they at the moment?

Flushing buds since 2002
Lol never mind didnt see the harvest pics till now ..hope everything is still good and it didnt effect the end result to much ..looking good man :thumbs:

Flushing buds since 2002
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