Cloning prob's


New Member
I hope that some one can help me out here. I am trying to take clones off of my plants, and I have no cloning gel or the means to get some. where i live there is sparce garden supplies and ordering off the net just takes to long. I have put some clones in a storage container with holes in the lid and stalks soaking in water. It worked for one so far but took awhile. Now that I have more room I'm planing on taking more clones.

My ? is, can you just put a cuttling in dirt?? with water in the bottom of the pot's catch basin? will they root, or would I just be wasteing my time??? And if so, is there any HOME method of cloning without rooting agent???please help
Well I took it apon myself to try something with these clones.

since I had to take some plants outta my room because of overgrowth, It freed up some space. Oh and I just took another male out. why cant they all be girls!!!!!! But anyhow, what I did was clean out the nets and rockwool, took some cuttling's and placed them in the rockwool and put them back in the hydro set up. Man I hope that this works. Cuz so far I have had to pull 2 big ass males. Now I'm left with 2 nice big girls!!thank god.

But I also have 2 other plants and about 3 clones at afriends place in a nice little cabinet. So I still have a chance of 5 more girls. pray for girls.
Oh yeah, I'm also germinating 3 more seeds. plan on putting them in to dirt instead of hydro, I'm doing that to see the difference in the growth
plus summer is on the way, and the alaskan sun is great for outdoor crops.
I would think you could clone in dirt but you would have a better success rate with rockwool or grow plugs.

Here's a tip on cloning that not to many people now about. After you cut your clone take a razor blade and GENTLY slice into the skin of the stem at the base. Make a slicing motion from top to bottom at the lowest 1 inch of stem. Make multiple slices around the stem. MAKE SURE YOU DO IT GENTLY. All you wanna do is slice into the skin of the stem. This allows for easier root development.

Make sure you use a new SHARP razor blade. You don't wanna tear the stem.
i always clone into dirt to avoid an extra transplant later
(i like to plan laziness well in advance LOL)

it will work just as well without rooting hormone just might take an extra day or something, because all that really matters is that the cutting doesnt shrivel up and die... itll still do its thing with or without the junk on it.
right on, that's some great info, i was pretty sure they would make it but i had my doubt's, now i feel a bit better, and last time I checked they were starting to get little white hairs on the base. So I just hope they survive.
they will root without the rooting hormone gel. They will take quite a bit longer to take root though. Not to mention your gonna have some death of clones deffinately. Usually when anyone clones to dirt without hormore gel then a couple die depending on amount of clones taken. Keep the dirt moist and you should be good.
I clone using soil. . but I also use a cheap rooting hormone. . Schultz. . you can find this stuff just about anywhere. . Wal-mart. . . Grocery stores, sometimes large drug stores even. . . its a couple of bucks and goes a real long way. . . it may not be the best, but it works and so far 100% success rate with clones. . . :peace:
I clone using soil. . but I also use a cheap rooting hormone. . Schultz. . you can find this stuff just about anywhere. . Wal-mart. . . Grocery stores, sometimes large drug stores even. . . its a couple of bucks and goes a real long way. . . it may not be the best, but it works and so far 100% success rate with clones. . . :peace:

I've used the exact same stuff and also have 100% success rate....taken 6 clones over the last few months. I got mine at Home Depot
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