Color Changing Glass?


New Member
I bought my first color changing glass pipe about a month and a half ago and it was clear with a slight tint of yellow. Yesterday, it was a mix of opaque purple, blue, pink, and green. I didn't have any herb left in my stash, and all of my other pieces were scraped clean, so I decided to scrape my glass bowl. After all the resin was cleared out, so was my bowl. It was the same clear yellow color as when I bought it. My question: does this happen to all color changin glass pieces?
yes it does the color changeing is due to sivler or gold fuming and when you clean your pipe you start all over again and the color begins to change again
johnnypotsmoker said:
OK, thanks guys.

I'm kinda disappointed. I thought it would never stop changing colors. :laughtwo:

When I bought my first color changing piece, my friends and I were under the impression it would somehow change color as it heated up and sorta expected it to change as we were smoking with it for the first time. Imagine THAT disappointment :p
Here's a good example of colour changing....
When I bought Squiggles, I was told he wouldn't change colours
Well I know THAT!!
But Squiggles went from being clear with red lines, to all colours of the rainbow.
:laughtwo: Just means I smoke too much....
But thanks anyways!!
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