Cooking with oil - ratio?


New Member
I have been using cannabutter for baking various types of cookies. The mixes call for one stick (1/2 cup) butter. I make my butter using 1/2 oz of bud to one pound of butter - the results are perfect. I have a mix for peanut butter cookies and it calls for three tablespoons of oil. What ratio of bud-to-oil should I use to achieve the same results? With only three tablespoons in the recipe I'm thinking it has to be much greater than 1g-to-1oz.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!
It's really hard to be exact with edibles, sounds like you may have to increase the concentration in the oil if you want to use less of it. If it were me adapting the recipe, I'd probably cut the peanut butter a little and use more butter. Every time I change something in the process, I have to dial in what needs to change a bit. My preference is to have a fairly concentrated edible so that a small portion does it for me, but some folks might like to eat more of something weaker....
NEVER bake at more than 350 degrees! I bake at 325 to be on the safe side. As far as using the trim to making the butter, here is what I do, grind the trim to a powder then add to melted butter, making sure you stir the powder into the butter. I use a slow cooker/crock pot and set it on WARM for 24 hours, give or take. You can also set it on LOW and let it sit for the day. Either way, stir once in awhile. If you strain the final product, removing the plant from the butter, the potency will be less. The plant still has a substantial amount of THC in it. Also I noticed in previous posts that the ratio of cannabis to butter was very small. Try 4/1 ratio. That means you use 1 oz trim to 4 oz butter. I guarantee you be happy!
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