Strain: Crop King Seeds: Candy Cane Autoflower
Website: Marijuana Seeds Canada - Buy Cannabis Seeds For Sale - Crop King
Genetics: White Widow X AK47 X Mango
THC: 17.81%
CBD: 0.1%
CBN: 4.0%
70% Indica, 30% Sativa
7 week strain
Is it in Veg or Flower stage: Veg
Indoor or outdoor: Indoor Closet Grow
Soil or Hydro: Soil - Pro-Mix HP
Pot Size: Currently in Solo Cups will transplant into 3 Gallon Smart Pots
Light: 600w HPS
Is it aircooled: Yes
Temp of Room: 75-85
RH of Room/cab: 35%
Any Pests: No, did have spider mites last grow.
How often are you watering: Every 2-3 days
Type and strength of ferts used: None in Seedling Stage, Will be using Fox Farm.
First off, I want to start this grow journal with an introduction of how my growing experience has been up to this point.
During this summer I decided that i wanted to start growing cannabis outdoors, i started with 7 bag seeds of an unknown strain and they all turned out to be females, i was ecstatic! The girls did very well up until i decided that i wanted to move the plants indoor to increase my yield and for security reasons. I went out and purchased a grow light that was 600w HPS with ballast and nothing else, that was my biggest mistake. I quickly found out the temperatures in my closet was an unbearable 108 degrees Fahrenheit which caused sever heat stress and really did damage to my plants, not only that, I also nute burned the plants and ended up getting spider mites all during flowering and this is what came out of it.
Long story short i only yielded about 4 ounces dry weight off of all 7 plants which is horrible!
That being said, this is why i chose to do a grow journal because i want to come back with a vengeance this grow and do things the right way this time.
I have bombed my closet to get rid of the spider mites and so far so good, i have also purchased some neem oil and have sprayed them on my seedlings and everything is looking good so far. i have also found an old portable air conditioner with heat exhaust in my garage and just installed the it in the closet today. it has helped keep my temperatures down dramatically.
The seedlings are currently on there 7th day and 2 of the seedlings seem to be in pretty bad shape and i cant figure out what happened to them besides the grow closet being too hot, this was before i installed the AC unit.
If anyone can point out what i can do to save these seedling please help me out.
Im currently germinating two more Candy Cane Auto's to replace the sick seedlings.
FYI: I know i shouldn't have started the Autos in cups but i didn't clean my smart pots in time and needed to put the girls in soil so i will be transplanting in a couple days once the soil dries.
Thank you for following this journal and i appreciate any help and support that i can get, i really want to have a good yield this time around, i let a lot of ppl down last time so i hope to redeem myself lol.
Website: Marijuana Seeds Canada - Buy Cannabis Seeds For Sale - Crop King
Genetics: White Widow X AK47 X Mango
THC: 17.81%
CBD: 0.1%
CBN: 4.0%
70% Indica, 30% Sativa
7 week strain
Is it in Veg or Flower stage: Veg
Indoor or outdoor: Indoor Closet Grow
Soil or Hydro: Soil - Pro-Mix HP
Pot Size: Currently in Solo Cups will transplant into 3 Gallon Smart Pots
Light: 600w HPS
Is it aircooled: Yes
Temp of Room: 75-85
RH of Room/cab: 35%
Any Pests: No, did have spider mites last grow.
How often are you watering: Every 2-3 days
Type and strength of ferts used: None in Seedling Stage, Will be using Fox Farm.
First off, I want to start this grow journal with an introduction of how my growing experience has been up to this point.
During this summer I decided that i wanted to start growing cannabis outdoors, i started with 7 bag seeds of an unknown strain and they all turned out to be females, i was ecstatic! The girls did very well up until i decided that i wanted to move the plants indoor to increase my yield and for security reasons. I went out and purchased a grow light that was 600w HPS with ballast and nothing else, that was my biggest mistake. I quickly found out the temperatures in my closet was an unbearable 108 degrees Fahrenheit which caused sever heat stress and really did damage to my plants, not only that, I also nute burned the plants and ended up getting spider mites all during flowering and this is what came out of it.

Long story short i only yielded about 4 ounces dry weight off of all 7 plants which is horrible!
That being said, this is why i chose to do a grow journal because i want to come back with a vengeance this grow and do things the right way this time.
I have bombed my closet to get rid of the spider mites and so far so good, i have also purchased some neem oil and have sprayed them on my seedlings and everything is looking good so far. i have also found an old portable air conditioner with heat exhaust in my garage and just installed the it in the closet today. it has helped keep my temperatures down dramatically.

The seedlings are currently on there 7th day and 2 of the seedlings seem to be in pretty bad shape and i cant figure out what happened to them besides the grow closet being too hot, this was before i installed the AC unit.

If anyone can point out what i can do to save these seedling please help me out.
Im currently germinating two more Candy Cane Auto's to replace the sick seedlings.
FYI: I know i shouldn't have started the Autos in cups but i didn't clean my smart pots in time and needed to put the girls in soil so i will be transplanting in a couple days once the soil dries.
Thank you for following this journal and i appreciate any help and support that i can get, i really want to have a good yield this time around, i let a lot of ppl down last time so i hope to redeem myself lol.