okay, i am new. i have never cured and i just started to harvest im on my second plant. now, i have grown before, but i have never had to harvest the crop myself and never cured either. im reading these posts and im afraid now. i was pretty confidant on what i was doing, now not so sure.
my buds are not many, they are airy, but they have a TON of crystals. ive been told by many that its the most crystals they have ever seen (was feeding with brown sugar, did the trick). anyway, so now i have had them out as of today after i trimmeed them (as i seen in many videos) for 4 days, and teh first day it was left on and hung up, so five total days its been out but trimed and sitting out for 4 days. it seems pretty dry and you can bend stems but not totally dry....
i was gonna do in jars for the first week open up for two hours and maybe a little at night (if i think it needs it) and continue to do this for the first week. after that, i was gonna air them out once a day for 30 min. does this seem right? safe???? and when i air them out, i should dump them onto something *gonna use what i trimmed on, its been cleaned and steryl*, but when dumping them out, wouldnt crystals fall off? anyway, other than the falling off part, is the rest of what i said good to do? will this work. i saw a guy suggest 2 and half hours every day, but didnt say how long and for how long he kept in jars. another said 30 min twice a day for first week. another said 15 min once a day for first two weeks!!! so i was gonna go 2 hours a day, first week... and see where they look from there. but im not sure what exactly im even looking for.