Curing for tinctures?

Do I still need to cure the bud if I'm making tincture (or butter) from it?

Would skipping this step affect the potency or flavor?
Doc, great question. I'm guessing you should cure the bud, but it's only a guess.
Perhaps someone here can give both you and me the answer.
Take care my friend
I have always found that 3 months after initial harvest the potency increased and the high is maximized. I am unaware of if a cure would affect potency, but waiting a bit after harvest sure has made a difference in my bud's potency.
Hey Doc,

I asked the same question In this thread and I pointed you to my conclusion post. I for sure thought someone would know the answer but a bunch of us kicked it around without a definite conclusion.

So, mine was that if going directly to edibles I will continue to cure to eliminate the chlorophyll taste, but if going to capsules or topicals it's probably not necessary. For your tincture and butter I would for sure continue to cure.
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