
New Member
Hey all, does i need to cut some leafs ? im wondering where is my flowering and budding process ?
If it is a photo period strain you just have to adjust light timing to 12/12 to induce flowering.

Auto's will generally start around a few weeks of growth to several weeks at best from germination under any lighting regime.
It does not matter what the time of day you do it at. I run my lights at night because power is cheaper here at night. But it doesn't matter. What DOES matter is 12h uninterrupted darkness per day at the same time each day. Get a timer to run the lights and confirm you have no light leaks letting light in during the dark period.
The reason for this is flowering is triggered by hormones that are produced in long uninterrupted dark periods. If It gets light in the dark time then it will eventually switch back to vegetative growth.
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