Darkscotia 1st Attempt At High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry Fem


Well-Known Member
Hello all and welcome to my journal. Here I'll be attempting doc buds high brix kit. I'll be using the perfect sun cob led for the first time. So let's get into more details. And sorry for not having proper grammar and misspelling as it was jot a strong suit lol.

What strain is it? Femmed blueberry
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seeds starting germinate June 20
If in Veg... For how long? Will veg between 1-2 months
If in Flower stage... For how long? 8-9 weeks
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor 4/4 tent
Soil or Hydro? Promix hp,worm castings, doc buds high brix kit
If soil... What size pot? 7gallon smart pots
Size of light? Black diamond perfect sun cob
Temp of Room/cab? 18/20 lights off/25-26 lights on that's was with my old led light(haven't ever used to perfect sun cob)
RH of Room/cab? 50-60 veg and adjust as needed
PH of media or res? Will not test
Any Pests ? None as of yet
How often are you watering? As needed
Type and strength of ferts use -doc buds kit

As of now my soil is still cooking till July 1/17 and I've started my seeds today in water for 12-24hrs then over to paper towel. As of right now I'm growing 5 blueberry in a 4'9/4'9 tent under my mars 320 led so I'm going to grow 5 blueberry under the perfect sun cob vegging for same if the girls will allow and then bud to see how much better either light does. Should be interesting to see. Also very excited to use doc buds high brix kit. If you haven't followed any journal growing with this kit you should really look into them. Some very nice buds being grown. As the reason I've decided to give it a go.

Re: Darkscotia 1st attempt at doc buds high brix,perfect sun cob led, 5 blueberry fem

Hello all and welcome to my journal. Here I'll be attempting doc buds high brix kit. I'll be using the perfect sun cob led for the first time. So let's get into more details. And sorry for not having proper grammar and misspelling as it was jot a strong suit lol.

What strain is it? Femmed blueberry
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seeds starting germinate June 20
If in Veg... For how long? Will veg between 1-2 months
If in Flower stage... For how long? 8-9 weeks
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor 4/4 tent
Soil or Hydro? Promix hp,worm castings, doc buds high brix kit
If soil... What size pot? 7gallon smart pots
Size of light? Black diamond perfect sun cob
Temp of Room/cab? 18/20 lights off/25-26 lights on that's was with my old led light(haven't ever used to perfect sun cob)
RH of Room/cab? 50-60 veg and adjust as needed
PH of media or res? Will not test
Any Pests ? None as of yet
How often are you watering? As needed
Type and strength of ferts use -doc buds kit

As of now my soil is still cooking till July 1/17 and I've started my seeds today in water for 12-24hrs then over to paper towel. As of right now I'm growing 5 blueberry in a 4'9/4'9 tent under my mars 320 led so I'm going to grow 5 blueberry under the perfect sun cob vegging for same if the girls will allow and then bud to see how much better either light does. Should be interesting to see. Also very excited to use doc buds high brix kit. If you haven't followed any journal growing with this kit you should really look into them. Some very nice buds being grown. As the reason I've decided to give it a go.

You have done went and updated lights i see, i can't wait to get a ps, that is on my list of upgrades also for next grow, its still going to be another month or so before i can get one, i just hope their not sold out when i go to order lol. Looks like you got everything line out and ready to go, alot of growers use Doc's kit and i bet it will be nice, support to be pretty simple also, should be fun.✌
Re: Darkscotia 1st attempt at doc buds high brix,perfect sun cob led, 5 blueberry fem

Will be nice to see the difference in quantity between the cob and my 320 everything else will be the same except using docs kit on 5 blueberry while the others will be biocanna foods
Ive heard nothing but great things about the ps and about Doc's kit so i believe you will have a great grow right there, be nice to see the bb grow to their potential .✌
Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

I'm in DS! As you know, we have a very similar set up, except I have the PS Goliath, not cob. I will help when I can but Doc's Kit is pretty easy. I'm sure you're gonna have a great grow. Looking forward to it!

Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

I'm in DS! As you know, we have a very similar set up, except I have the PS Goliath, not cob. I will help when I can but Doc's Kit is pretty easy. I'm sure you're gonna have a great grow. Looking forward to it!


Thanks for joining in. The seeds should be in soil in next 2-3 days.
Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

So checked seeds today and all 6 had good tap roots on them. So in planted all them in 1 gallon pots containing promix hp only will wait for soil to be done completely be done cooking on July 2. Another few more days they all should have first set of leaves showing 3/6 already lost there hoods rest were close behind. Also will be vegging for first few weeks with the t5
Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

So today there all out of the soils by a few inches. As I say every time I hate this time of the grow. Sooo boring. Few pics of girls poking out of soil. Only 5 will actually be grown in this teltnthe other will go outside. I think these blueberry would hit 10feet or more outside. So let's see.
Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

:cheesygrinsmiley: Gotta keep an eye on the HB grows. :bongrip:
Re: Darkscotia 1st attempt at doc buds high brix,perfect sun cob led, 5 blueberry fem

Very interested in seeing this myself. Especially after all those "impossible" claims out there about the perfect sun

Will be nice to see the difference in quantity between the cob and my 320 everything else will be the same except using docs kit on 5 blueberry while the others will be biocanna foods
Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

So very small update cause the plant are still very small. Feeding straigh water and there growing very slowly as expected for right now. Been running t5 lights for 24hrs straight. As of tommorow I'll be removing the t5 lights and starting veg with the perfect sun cob on a 18/6 cycle. Will have light 3 feet from seedlings and will adjust as needed.
Some baby pics before cob lights gets turned on tommorow
Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

Feeding them every 2-3 days so far of straight water. They seem to be loving the cob light so far. For now I'll let the plant grow to the light for another 10days or so then I'll start dropping light closer. Hoping around the same time I'll be up potting into the 7 gallon bags I have for them.
Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

Went to visit girls today to see there starting to get thirsty. So feed so straight water. The girls should be ready for 7 gallon pots with docs kit soil in next week. Going to have to study a bit again to get feeding schedules down. Not much else on the go other then wait just playing the waiting game.
Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

Went to visit girls today to see there starting to get thirsty. So feed so straight water. The girls should be ready for 7 gallon pots with docs kit soil in next week.

... Are you sure? They look like they could spend more time in those pots first. Doc will often grow his to 2 feet before he upcans. I'd advise giving them a little more time. It's hard for me to fully soak small pots, so I tend to do it earlier, like you're planning, but I think you get a better rootball if you take another week, soaking them well each time they need it.

I don't know your skills well yet though, so jus' sayin' ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

Yes I'm just hoping a week but will wait for root ball for build up. Last time I used these pots I did up pot way to early when I went to knock plants out of pots most soil fell apart and was standing there with bare roots in my hand. Didn't seem to affect those girls thought. They blew up after that transplant
Re: Darkscotia 1st Attempt At Doc Buds High Brix - Perfect Sun COB LED - 5 Blueberry

It's looking magnificent Dark! Your plants are beautiful as always. How's things going? Everything healing well after the surgery? Been wanting to try out COB for a while because of I keep hearing all these fantastic claims about 1.9 grams per watt and such. I'm having a really hard time believing all the hype, but I do believe they're very good lights :)

Joined that Mars photo contest. Perhaps with some luck I can win the cob prototype :) Don't have high hopes though. Stretched my luck a lot already. Hope you're doing ok man and - wow! beautiful setup and plants
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