Dealing with moldy grass

it can, but you can pick them up again even in the dry room if the conditions are right.

Hmmmm and by right conditions I assume you mean wet buds and high humidity. That will be the condition of my dry room if I wash the buds.

I had a friend who had a small dry room and a lot of bud hanging up, his dehumidifiers shut down while he was at work because the water holding containers were full. About 20% of the buds developed a black damp mold (not botrytis) not sure what it was. He didn't do any bud washing though, it was just a lot of hanging buds in a small space that created high humidity conditions. But that sort of situation is what I'm keen to avoid.

I'll have to have a think about it, at least I've got plenty of time to do that because grow season don't start here for another 12 weeks.
Hmmmm and by right conditions I assume you mean wet buds and high humidity. That will be the condition of my dry room if I wash the buds.

washed buds actually dry quicker on the hang than those left alone. it's more about the general drying room conditions.

Spores are everywhere. Clean/sanitize room, filtered intake. You still have whatever happens to be stuck to the plant, but it helps. Especially if you're old school and treat drying and curing as one continuous process, and dry as slowly as possible.

Really dense indicas, though... I was at my brother's house, years ago, and he pulled out a sack (or maybe it was only a couple ounces, but it was definitely more than a lid) of bud that seemed like it was rock-hard. I said something about being able to play baseball with one. He laughed, walked back into his garage, returned with a bat and the smallest bud (which was kind of round). He threw it up in the air, and hit it when it came down. It sailed over the roof of the house across the street, lol. IDK how you'd dry bud like that without losing some of it.
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