Decarboxylation in Pressure Canner


Active Member
Eight ounces of fresh plant material was obtained. One ounce was placed in seven 500 ml jars and pressured canned at 15 PSI for 70 minutes to Decarboxylate. The jars are well sterilized, and material be stored until required. This material will be used to make cannabutter and alcohol tinctures.

Equipment: I produce most of my plant food so have a pressure cooker and a double boiler, anad different size of jars. All are a one time expenditure.
Equipment: I produce most of my plant food so have a pressure cooker and a double boiler, anad different size of jars. All are a one time expenditure.
I have everything else, the pressure cooker, my parents have, and never use. They canned when I was younger.
Pressure canning and, cooking takes a bit of knowledge to master. To me with much experience, it is as easy as boiling water. The pundits have made North Americans afraid of using anything pressurized. Amazing how
few NA's pressure can.
Pressure canning and, cooking takes a bit of knowledge to master. To me with much experience, it is as easy as boiling water. The pundits have made North Americans afraid of using anything pressurized. Amazing how
few NA's pressure can.

It's not about being scared. Most NA people don't see the need. If they can buy something already canned, they will not put the effort into it. They can't see the benefit because no one taught them those benefits.

You have to garden to have something to can. Most US citizens don't even know how to grow anything besides weed.

I know how to do all of it, just live in a place where I don't have a place to grow a garden really.
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