
George Mc

Well-Known Member
I have a 4 x 4 tent and am just starting my first grow. I anticipate the humidity being higher than what it is supposed to be. Does anybody have any recommendations for a dehumidifier that is cost-effective?
I'm on my second grow my first got bud rot I believe due to high humidity but this time i kept that in mind and bought a 20 quid one that is useless, when i close the door for the 12 hrs dark and open it goes up to 99 humidity so I'm gonna have to buy a 100 quid humidifier from amazon. Took me about 10 minutes to find a good one wth good reviews
i think i have read that recommended rh is up in the 70% range,, for several reasons. that is high,, do you really think you will have natural rh as high or higher than that??

if so,, buy a dehumidifier that is small enough to fit in yer tent,, perhaps? and empty it often, and keep the vents free of dirt and dust,, maybe

cheers friend,,
I had the same problem. I bought a HomeLabs 30 pint dehumidifier condenser type. It runs almost constantly with no problems, It has a 1 gallon tank ( I maybe should have got the 50 pint) the price was about 150 dollars US. I'm in week 5 of flower and it keeps the humidity between 45% and 50%. The results are what matter, right?
Excess Moisture in the air leads to health problems. However, lower humidity and higher humidity can also be problematic. Thus, maintaining the desired humidity level is necessary and a Dehumidifier can be the best solution for this. HomeLabs 70 Pint Dehumidifier can resolve all your humidity related issues and works well.
You need a dehumidifier. Where I live we have a Rh of about 70%, and the flowers don't like that at all.
I have mine outside the tent and keep the whole room at an Rh level as low as possible. The air a dehumidifier pumps out is warmer than the intake air. Putting the dehumidifier inside the tent will raise the temp a lot. I don't need a heater for the apartment in winter due to the heat the dehumidifier gives.
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