Did you know?


New Member
did you know...

that more than 1 and a half million people have died every year from smoking cigarettes, and not a single person has died from doing weed?

that if we all put our guns down, and had some weed, there would be no more little kids dieing around the planet.

that its worst going to mcdonalds 3 times a week, than to do weed daily?

that weed clears your mind and helps you work better, rather than having so much stress on your shoulders.

weed is the solution to all your problems
weed clouds my mind and i cant work high...if i did i would be running the risk thati could make a big money mistake..then fired.

Come home after 8 to 15 hours of work and relax... :smokin:
if we stopped killing people - people stopped dieing our population rate would go up so much our planet would be soo overpopulated it would be unlivable in some places

not that im for war or killing bc trust me im DEFINETELY NOT but im just sayin
LEGALIZE!!!!! weed is good
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