Discoloring tips and drooping leaves (2 week old)


New Member
The plant is 2 weeks old and i noticed some very faint discolouring at the tips a while ago, but its increased a lot more. and now the leafs are drooping too.

i ve used Miracle Gro Expand 'n Gro.

I feel like i may have over watered to start with, but then i waited unti the soil was just barely moist and then i watered yesterday until a little bit dripped out the bottom.

thanks guys.
Re: discolouring tips and drooping leafs (2 week old)

Re: discolouring tips and drooping leafs (2 week old)

Whats your setup like? howlong have u been waiting in between watering? and how much water have u been giving it, about how much ml? temps? is the room nice and ventilated? would help narrow down the problem ;)
Re: discolouring tips and drooping leafs (2 week old)

watered after the soil felt just barely moist, which meant every 3 days ish. room temp averages about 18c. I assumed it might be fertiliser burn and repotted this thing into some 'cooler' soil since posting this. I think i should have flushed when i first saw signs of this. What do you think anyway im very new to this.
Re: discolouring tips and drooping leafs (2 week old)

watered after the soil felt just barely moist, which meant every 3 days ish. room temp averages about 18c. I assumed it might be fertiliser burn and repotted this thing into some 'cooler' soil since posting this. I think i should have flushed when i first saw signs of this. What do you think anyway im very new to this.

I dont think the problem here is over fert, since ur not giving it any nutes yet, and as far as the slow releasing nutes that came in your soil, i dont think its the cause of this. Your soil looks too wet, some of these soils can hold alot more water than others, thats how urs look to me, i think u need to wait for the soil to dry out a lil more, dont be afraid thinking ur waiting too long to water again, thats just how things work in soil wet/dry cycle, and a small plant like this i wouldnt be giving anymore than 100ml of water for now.
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