Do Hydro Plants Always Smile?


Well-Known Member
These guys are never unhappy! Always praying, don't their arms ever get tired? I've grown many plants in soil over the last year, haven't seen anything like this!

New data....hydro plants seem to smile, smile, smile then...die! At least soil gives me a chance to put my pants on and walk the dog in the morning before I deal with carnage and distruction. That happy family is down to two now and man they look like they got on the meth or something. Meth smile not nearly as attractive....
How do your roots look?
You don't want to know!
As far as hydro, it's like driving a fast car. You better pay close attention.
If I have learned anything with my little experiment it is this!
Learn exactly what you need through this blog Homegrown Cannabis: How To Grow At Home 101 | ARCannabis. I very much recommend it. It gives you detailed guidlines on what you need
Thank you and welcome to 420mag rafik but I got all the good info I need right here at home!

CHeers yall! :yahoo:
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