Does Cannabis Oil work against asthma and obesity?

it takes about 100 micrograms of inhaled thc to induce bronchodialation
you will start to feel high at about the 200 micro gram level
the study was done using aerosol delivery
so the answer is yes inhaled thc helps relieve the symptoms of asthma
however you still have to eliminate triggers
Yes to both. A friend uses Cannabis Oil for Alcoholism & Asthma. In 2 months he has eliminated his glass of scotch every night and breaths much better with his asthma condition.

The Wife and I have dropped sizes in 1 /1/2 years on using Cannabis Oil. The Sativa strain is for this. Raises your metabolism & sheds the lbs by curbing your appetite. We can only eat small portions as it doesn't take much to fill up. Side effect you must stay hydrated and snack between meals so your body stays supplemented with nutrients. Sometimes to enjoy a big meal we won't take any Sativa that day and use Indica for the munchies so we can enjoy a full We apply the 'gum' method. I cannot speak of the inhale method except for I get the massive I know it won't induce loosing weight. hope this helps.

In no way am I advertising, solicitation of sales or wanting to hook up. Just trying to give accurate and honest opinions based on my experience.
Hello Motoco and thank you for the post! I am very interested in the Sativa strain Cannabis oil for my son's asthma as well as for my weight. I have been reading and researching quite a bit on the internet but I am a little confused. Do you use the seed oil? Would you mind giving me some ideas of where to buy the most reputable and purest brand? I guess the Cannabis oil is better than the seed oil from what I've been reading. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!
Hello Motoco and thank you for the post! I am very interested in the Sativa strain Cannabis oil for my son's asthma as well as for my weight. I have been reading and researching quite a bit on the internet but I am a little confused. Do you use the seed oil? Would you mind giving me some ideas of where to buy the most reputable and purest brand? I guess the Cannabis oil is better than the seed oil from what I've been reading. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!

Cannabis seed oil is like any other nutritional seed contains essential omega fatty acids but there is no thc in the pressed oil that comes from the seed itself.
THC is found in high concentrations on the seed husks and buds to protect the seed from environmental stress but there is no THC inside the seeds.

I have never heard of a cannabis strain that decreases appetite specifically or directly, it would be big news and common knowledge by now (like kids taking charoletts web oil for seizures or leukemia), however eating cannabis will help decrease inflammation in the intestinal mucosa which would improve absorption. The etiology of an asthma attack comes from an intrinsic trigger (like the body's reaction to a food allergy or stress) and/or from an extrinsic trigger (like exercising to hard or too fast). I could discuss more on absorption but in a nutshell when there is chronic inflammation (from eating processed food and your allergic foods) the gaps between intestinal cells get bigger allowing bigger proteins to enter the bloodstream (and this is not good). You can read more about this in the book by Dr. Davis called Wheat Belly.

An asthmatic will always be an asthmatic to some degree it's genetic, however, the severity and frequency of the asthma attacks could decrease with stress management and the proper use of cannabis (that's a touchy subject with kids) and a varied diet of natural organic foods. Most people that need to loose weight need lifestyle mods. As good as cannabis or any other drug is there is no substitute for self motivation and discipline.
When I was 20 I weighed 125 lbs then quit now I am 43 and I weigh 179 lbs.
Don't quit it if you are young and thin...if you do you will get old and fat.
A blend of Harlequin/Blue Dream used for 1 year has worked losing weight big time. It only works if applied using the RS dose method. If not done properly and you digest it you will get the munchies. If dosed properly in about 2 weeks from the start your appetite will decrease, yes, your belly will growl like a starving bear but when you go to eat after a few bites your FULL. The Wife and I eat more often (3 meals and snacks in between) and make sure we stay hydrated. BTW Sativa dominate strains is what I'm referring to, Indica will give you 'find the twinkie box'. This weight lost came with no exercise...sativa in a concentrated oil will give you a 'wired' feel with no side affects like speed. It raises your metabolism and gents it takes off the the flotation mid section & rescue handles and ladies it will take off the booty boobs and cellulite.

On the other hand if your anorexic you can use Indica or Sativa by smoking and gain weight. When I first heard of anything related to MJ for weight lost I LOLOL.

Concentrated oil is so versatile with Sativa & Indica strains and the combinations you can create to custom tailor you meds is like no other medication on earth. Truly remarkable !

To your main question: Sativa dominant strain (Harlequin is great blended with another good sativa or just by itself), convert to Cannabis Concentrated Oil, dose per RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) method which I elaborated on somewhat...Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

It might seem a tad overwhelming but its much simpler than that and will not only take care of the issues you mentioned but does so much more.

@punch...exactly what I thought also until I learned how to dose properly with the concentrated oil. Who knew right...and your absolutely correct about self motivation and discipline. That being said, using concentrated oil (sativa for the day & Indica for night) does the most medically benefit than I ever could of imagined on its own. As far as 'weight loss' the concentrated oil isn't making the head lines like Cancer, Epilepsy & other big hitters. Then again you don't hear about the 'cannabis oil' is all you need for excellent health. I can say though in a few months I have used the concentrate for 2 yrs and I haven't been sick, no headaches and now I am in the best health of my life and thatis after 4 heart attacks over the last 20 yrs. The Wife had migraines, allergies, arthritis among other aliments and she hasn't been sick in a yr. either. We where just discussing how it just keeps getting better.
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