Does it look healthy? Growing right? Why are leaves curling? Cuts these leaves off?


New Member
Hi all, I have 3 questions for you guys...

All input is appreciated and thanks in advance. :)

Does my plant look healthy? Growing/budding at the right rate?
(This is now 1 week into budding and give bloom food.)


Any idea why these 2 top leaves are curling under atm...


Should I cut these bottom leaves off or no biggie?
I've read if 50% or more of leaf is damaged it is optional to take off.


Another pic from above:


Once again thanks for any responses.
Re: Does it look healthy? Growing right? Why are leaves curling? Cuts these leaves of

Hey Squeege! First the bottom leaves can go. Just snap them off at the stem. What is your goal from this plant? Just a little quick smoke or are you looking to get a larger harvest a little later on? What's your light source? The leaves are starting to show some slight signs of over feeding. That is the down ward curling starting at the tips. You don't need to start flower nutrients a the flip I usually wait a couple of weeks to let that plant gradually make the change over. I generally just give Superthrive and water during this time. Occasionally I give a dose of micro nutrients and Epsom salt during this time depending what the plant is telling me.
Now if it was me....and that's a big "if" because every one naturally thinks that his way is the best. I would top this plant back and keep it on 18 hour lighting for the next two or so weeks. I would selectively prune out leaves as those lower nodes grow out so that light can reach all of those growing points. The plant has a decent frame on it and I believe that you could substantially increase your harvest that way. But...if you just want quick smoke let her go. Just back off the nutrients. Best of luck in all you grow!
Re: Does it look healthy? Growing right? Why are leaves curling? Cuts these leaves of

My goal is simply to get some smoke. Not anything more.

The light source atm is 12 hours of 1 14W CFL (60 W equiv.) and sunlight in between.

OK. I will slow down the nutes and I am thinking of starting some blackstrap molasses on it.

I have heard this may not be enough CFL light and 23W (or 100W equiv.) at the least should be used.

I also have a rechargeable LED flashlight which the plant seems to follow better than my CFL.
Re: Does it look healthy? Growing right? Why are leaves curling? Cuts these leaves of

Hey Squeegee! Yeah that's not enough light. That's why she's stretchy. Even a cheap 4 foot fluorescent shop light can be used to bud a plant.
But even that is two 40 watt bulbs. If possible I would at least supplement with free sunlight. Best of luck in all you grow!
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