
I notice a disturbing trend in marijuana enforcement in this state. As counties and the federal
government act against patients, caregivers and collectives growing and distributing marijuana
to patients with doctors' recommendations, larger and larger marijuana crops are discovered
and eradicated – almost always without a single arrest.

Your article details how as many as 58,000 plants guarded with AK-47s are being discovered,
as Mexican syndicates push out peaceful small farmers in California. Our misguided drug
laws and misenforcement of them have effected this change.

Just as the prohibition of alcohol had to be repealed because of the violence it caused, so too
the prohibition of marijuana.

If the federal government has any role in marijuana enforcement in California, it should be in
investigating and prosecuting large foreign organizations that are growing and distributing
marijuana here.

It's much easier to prosecute citizens who announce they are growing pot legally under
Proposition 215, and quibble about a few dozen plants deemed too many for medical use.

More than 62,000 people were arrested in California on marijuana charges last year, an
increasing percentage of them for possession only, while the largest growers went free. This
is madness. The only sane solution is a regulated market for marijuana, and legalized
personal cultivation.

Ellen Komp, Program Associate, Lindesmith Center-Drug Policy Foundation, San Francisco

MAP posted-by: Don Beck
Newshawk: Sledhead - VOTE Patrick L. Lilly, Colo. Senate, Dist. 12
Pubdate: Sun, 01 Oct 2000
Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA)
Copyright: 2000 San Francisco Examiner
Website: Examiner is back -
Forum: Examiner is back -
Author: Ellen Komp, Program Associate, Lindesmith Center-Drug Policy
Foundation, San Francisco
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