Drug Test Question


New Member
If i start PTI on november 28 and there is a great possibilty that i will be tested on that day what would be last day suggested to smoke. Ps i have probly smoked everyday for the last two years if that changes anything like amount of time needed to clean my system. Thanks for the help guys.
If i start PTI on november 28 and there is a great possibilty that i will be tested on that day what would be last day suggested to smoke. Ps i have probly smoked everyday for the last two years if that changes anything like amount of time needed to clean my system. Thanks for the help guys.

Whats a P.T.I? I just had P.P.I. evaluation done.
Whats a P.T.I? I just had P.P.I. evaluation done.

i googled it.... <TABLE cellPadding=4 width=567 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=554 bgColor=#ffffff>Pre-Trial Intervention Program Information: </TD></TR><TR><TD width=554 bgColor=#666699>
</TD></TR><TR><TD width=554 bgColor=#ffffff>PTI is a Diversionary Program designed for first-time offenders of non-violent crimes. This system allows the defendant to be diverted from court and enter into a program consisting of counseling, education, community service work, restitution, drug testing, and prison tours. Successful completion of the program requirements will allow the defendant's arrest record to be expunged (destroyed). The goal of this program is to give first-time offenders a second chance. Offenders may participate in this program only one time. PTI is a self supporting program under control and supervision of the Office of the Solicitor, Sixteenth Judicial Circuit and is supported through cooperation of Judicial, Law Enforcement, and Community Service Agencies.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

pls someone correct me if i'm wrong :)

ref. New Page 3
Well if thats it, i would suggest not even smokeing the whole month of november homie...All depends on the type of testing they do I guess, urine and hair sometimes can get gotten away with, blood however i dont know man just dont smoke in novemember, make november your smoke free month to lower your tolerance ;)

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