drug testing/Probation


New Member
I smoke on thursday night 12/6/12. Im on Probation and could have a random urine drug test at any time. i have not smoked two an a half months prior to this. I weigh 195 lbs, whats an estimate on how long before will i be clean for probation drug testing? Also are probation drug test more extensive than others?
No one can tell you how long before you will be clean. It might be now it might take a couple of weeks. I would buy a cheap thc test strip and test yourself first thing in the morning.
The probation tests are the same as other drug tests. If you pass the strip test thats the end. If it pops positive for something it gets sent to the lab and tested with GC/MS to see exactly what the substance is and what the levels are. Of course the repercussions of popping positive are a lot more severe than an employment drug test is.
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