Dry sifting vs Bubble hash

you are very right _ dry ice can really break down unwanted plant material - dry shifting is the best but time consuming - have looked at "shift" machines and are very expensive - would like to do this methods, any suggestions on dry shift products. Heck maybe fit a bubble bag over a pot and beat it like they do in Asia - thoughts ? if you do dry ice just one shake 3-4 minutes and that it NO second shake works OK
I've seen screen kits on amazon, but they are expensive. I was thinking of making my own, or t-shirt print screens might be a cheaper alternative, but I havent looked into it enough
I'm trying to get an idea if dry sifting is an alternative to making bubble hash. Over the past month I've done three bubble hash runs and at this point I think I can say I hate the process. The problem is I love rosin. So I know I'm leaving hash in my bubble bags because I can see it, but I can't work any colder and I'm not standing outside in the cold for hours on end splashing water around.
So I guess I'm asking is can I get good results with dry sift, and if so with what type of setup?
A good place to get dry shift equipment ?
A good place to get dry shift equipment ?
I got my sifter off zon, it's pretty basic but does the job
My next plan is to get a rock tumbler to roll the box for me
trim bin (150 or 120) micron screen)or sift box work ok


Thanks all - went to Etsy / amazon and trim bins
? to get a dry shifter one going to have to spend $100.00 and UP should I say shaker to a shifter or generally speaking one that look like it might be ok at $200 +, really don't have the $1,000 or more to get a quality. seen a "paint" a shaker made in shaker for dry shift. any more suggestions ?
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