Drying your outdoor bud?


New Member
What is the best way to dry your bud outdoors and keep bugs off?? Ive dried bud in my house before and it was a mistake. Could still smell it months after it was already gone.
ok i was just wondering if it was possible. now that i think of it lol was a stupid question. thnx.

Ive also seen people hang it upside down and also people just law it on screen. which is the best. i assume if u want keif screen is the way to go...
THC will degrade in light, so you should hang it in a dark place with adequate air circulation. If you have an outdoor place that can accomplish these needs, go for it. There's no "guarantee of mold", but the potential is there. Therefore the need to keep the air moving and the humidity low.
what about in a box with one of those little containers that suck the water out of the air??? im gonna try this in my attick.
put them in burlap sacks and flip them every few hours when they are in diret sunlight, before people say that this will not work, let me say it does 100%. Watch for mold!!!
Weed can be dry'd out door. I grow in the hills and dry in bud camp! its in the shade of the redwoods! As long as there is no rain in the forcast it take 5 days hanging in the shade! then i clip the buds off branches and place the buds in a paper bag and cap the bag with a second paper bag so now the bag has a top. so the bags can be turned with out ever touching buds! just flip the bag over! i have done this with a few hundred pounds of buds dryed outside with out EVER 1 moldy BUD Yet!
This is a very old post... but still... someone says that you can not do drying outside... Hog wash! Where do you think the major large growers do drying in the parks? Or the pacific north west forests ? or in Mexico ?

It's all done OUTSIDE!!


Colaman :yummy:
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