Mornin to ya seedling...'humbled'....cheers bud!
Found ya! I'll come along for the ride. Love the monster pot!
Hey Salty, ya bud...the plants love those two big pots. Cheers eh.
I got a quick question for you
@Duggan (or anyone) about feeding in the 1 gallon stage. I see over and over again that you say only water before transplant. When you say water is it straight water or is there tea in there?
Not sure of your question bud...
There's my '6'...all taken care of....
when I say copy, dont copy link address...use your mouse to highlite the link and right click copy I posted and then paste it in your and brings me right here when I try it...

...when all else Teddy...


Ya...i gave up....just alerted Teddy to make it right.....sakes..
I’m in Duggs! Good luck in this grow and in POM this month!
Oh wow, seen my entry. Thank you for noticing bud. I throw that Mazar in the mix every now and then. Sghe was such a beauty plant and deserves another crack at things. Thanks Magoo....
Not a politically correct journal, eh? OK.....Make America Great again with those Canadian buds, bro.
Great day to ya friend a mine. A big welcome to my latest journal Doc. Yes, u are most correct . My journal is NOT for the sensitive or politically correct's for real people with real live emotions , real live feelings and real life stories. The ultra sensitive can visit other more politically correct journals.
Looking good! How many watts of light do you have in total?
Hey 'Real'..welcome to my journal . Dunno about true watts ...will have to figure that out and get back to u ...OK. Cheers eh.
Oh shit another Duggs production! I am here for the duration bud!
Hey bud....great to have u along again, and again, and again , and again...lmao....
Wow I made first page, that never happens. Subbed in and here for the long haul, just enjoying some Red Dragon while checking out the grows, Cheers Duggs.
Mornin to ya Newb...hope u are feeling ok this morning. Did u get any heavy rain last night? We got dumped on pretty good in middle of the night but is turning out to be another stellar , sunny day! Cheers
Page 1? made it...knew u would,

Did somebody say page 1, made it. Here for the ride lets see some buds.
Hey Drift,..buds? wat buds?
Great day to ya Neiko. Yup...just tried mixing the two strains in a 'J' last night. very interesting . The Panama really calms the straight A5 down some, but adds flavor and some happiness to the mix....lovin it bud!