Durban Lights Fluxed Plus Pure Kush

One week since the flip and the Durban Lights girls are all starting to show their stuff. The Pure Kush not yet, they are a month younger. Slight burns on the tips and edges of the leaves, the soilless mix feeding is a little more challenging than I thought. Hopefully when they get bigger they will be a little more forgiving. I'm starting work earlier now so I can't get any pics until I get home tonight. :)
The ladies are on a mixture of veg/bloom nutes now. One week flower. The Pure Kush at the back still not showing anything.

OK! Thanks for keeping an eye. I removed all the wires a couple of weeks ago to encourage the plant to recover and it seems to have worked. I'll set to tying her back down immediately. Thanks LA, brilliant! :thumb:
You should use either some Sierra Natural Science SNS-209 Systemic Pest Control Concentrate and/or Monterey Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad and kill those Thrips!

Monterey Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad

SNS-209 Systemic Pest Control Concentrate
It's been quite a while since I posted a proper update. The ladies are 3 weeks since the flip and they took their time so I'd say this is 2 weeks flowering. In fact, the Pure Kush were even slower, they are about 1 week. Minor thrip infestation, one of the Durban Lights was hit fairly hard plus some nute burn, but the new growth is nice and green now. All are getting GH Flora Nova bloom full strength plus half strength veg nutes plus calmag plus some mosquito dunks (Bti).

I'm really pleased with the tops on the flux plant. The Pure Kush look like they may not produce much, some reviews mentioned that.


Durban Lights

Durban Lights Fluxed
I can't wait to see how she yields. I'm not fluxing the next batch, but I have a long term project plant for the grow after that which is going to get perhaps a 5 month veg. Think that'll make a good size flux?

The up-and-comers for the next grow under my new T5 fixture. Some are 4 weeks old, 2 are 5 weeks, and the smallest is 3 and was just fluxed and will veg for another 4 months.

New T5 Fixture

Front left Kali-Dragon flux, front centre Blue Widow, back right Durban Poison (only 4 weeks but taller than all the rest), others are Kali crosses of Northern Lights and Lucy
Just about 5 weeks flowering now, half-way I'd guess. All these pics are of the Durban Lights. The Pure Kush girls are about a week behind so I'll save them for a later photoshoot :)

The last shot is the fluxed plant.

Thanks LA. Welcome back :)

The Durban Lights is a go-to strain, but it's time for something new methinks. My new Kali Mist crosses are absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to see how they flower!
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