I'll be able to provide some answers in this respect. I just received the Cannalytics Analysis Kit. I can do cannabinoid profiles and potency tests with it. The tests i want to run for one strain are:
  • Flower potency
  • Flower cannabinoid profile
  • Rosin yield
  • Rosin potency
  • Rosin cannabinoid profile
  • Spent puck potency
Wonderful! First, Im interested in the quality of the tester. I haven't given my replacement tcheck a fair trial yet. (life). It has a 15% error margin I believe. But Im always looking for better...and more breakdown. Looking forward to hearing about the results. That wuld be a wealth of info.
I cant keep up with all the awesome squishing, and the Rosin loveliness.
Great thread dutchy, even some Rosin testing....... :passitleft:
Hi Dutch, how doin?
Thank you for the lessons! I can't believe how even the black rosin turns Brown after whiping! Mostly it resembled coperkote colour. I did not have an enail to really set temps and explore flavours but I did notice a smoother vape and more candy at the end. I also gave the heat a mess of a try:laugh::laugh::laugh:i had no lid, it muffined all out darn it! I'll give it a second try and follow your info bester.....
Hi Dutch, how doin?
Thank you for the lessons! I can't believe how even the black rosin turns Brown after whiping! Mostly it resembled coperkote colour. I did not have an enail to really set temps and explore flavours but I did notice a smoother vape and more candy at the end. I also gave the heat a mess of a try:laugh::laugh::laugh:i had no lid, it muffined all out darn it! I'll give it a second try and follow your info bester.....
Hey Lowded glad your getting some useful tips from the rosin making! A lid is definitely needed or sealing the jar with parchment and the press plates works as well at least till the muffin slows and settles! Please post some pictures of your trials as well
Just pressed up 3.5 grams of my Boptang #3 and got back .8 grams using your bottle tek bags. Best return, color, and consistency yet.This stuff came out very buttery at 190F 90 micron bag.
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